Caribou Gear

First hand Covid symptoms

My sisters-in-law’s dad has been in ICU for over a week now. Tested positive for Covid, had fever and chills and congestion, turned into pneumonia. Blood saturation was 82 with supplemental oxygen three days ago. Slowly going back up. 98 today, so starting to wean him off the O2 and see what happens. Looks like he’s out of the woods. 🤞 Wasn’t vaxed. Being isolated, no family/visitors, not able to breathe, scary stuff. Missed his 50th anniversary. But alive.
Glad to hear it looks as though he's out of the thick of it. Remain vigilant with doc orders to keep clear of him. Give time, etc.

Thoughts and another set of prayers running your family's way!
Just heading home from Alaska. I’ve been gone 10 days. In that time my cousin has had Covid and spent 8 days in the hospital. One aunt and uncle have it and were in the hospital for 3 days. My parents both have it, 1 is fine and the other is lethargic/body aches. My wife has it with no issues whatsoever. I’m not real sure what my plan is…I can go home but don’t want to get it so need to come up with a plan. Maybe live in my camper until Friday and see how my wife is at that point? 4 of those 6 were vaccinated prior. My wife and my uncle were not.
Well, I woke up with a fever this morning around 101. I figured I would as I slept terrible last night alternating between freezing and overheating. I have pain in my neck as well although it is pretty mild. At this point I'm just going to assume that it is Covid and be careful.

My son had his last dose of Tylenol around 8pm last night and only spiked back up to 101.3 by 9am this morning. I'll go back to alternating Motrin and Tylenol today to get the fever back down. The bloodshot in his eyes seem a lot better too. His spirits are great but I'm sure he'll get tired later. Hopefully it stays pretty mild for the both of us.
My son seems to be coming out of the other side of it all thankfully. His eyes are just about back to normal and his temperature this morning was about 99. It had been about 11 hours since he had medicine. My fever was right around 100-101 with the same timeframe since having medicine. I still have a minor headache and some soreness in my back, but nothing that's unreasonable. I'm definitely worn out. I went to bed around 10pm last night and didn't get up until 9:30 this morning. But didn't sleep the greatest and still just feel general fatigue. Both of our oxygen levels are staying solid. His is up around 98-100 and mine usually fluctuates between 95 and 97 or so.

Back to medicine today and hoping to see continued improvement. I'm thankful we both seem to progressing toward the better. I appreciate everyone's well wishes and any prayers you're willing to send out.
Slowly but surely people are starting to realize that covid will NEVER go away.
Covid will fade away and come back seasonally in a new variant, resistant to the prior season’s inoculations for the rest of our lives.
The sooner people accept this, the better.
The good news is, that in the history of virology, a new variant has never been more deadly than the original virus.

My entire family had it about a month ago, no one vaccinated. 3 & 4 year old kids where tired and didn't eat much for a couple days. Wife and I had flu like body aches and temps. I would compare it to a good flu bug. Back to normal after about 7 days.
The good news is, that in the history of virology, a new variant has never been more deadly than the original virus.

Let's hope so, the amount of people going to the hospital with Covid is unacceptable.

How many in here know someone who has been hospitalized with the flu let alone died from it?
Prayers for all who are dealing with this & your families.

And remember, what doesn't kill you, does mutant and tries again. Get the booster when you can, wash your hands and wear a mask when appropriate.

Let's hope so, the amount of people going to the hospital with Covid is unacceptable.

How many in here know someone who has been hospitalized with the flu let alone died from it?
I believe it's actually the resulting pneumonia that you die from with either of them.
I believe it's actually the resulting pneumonia that you die from with either of them.
While that's the case in many cases for both flu and Covid, young and healthy people dying (from both) is often due to the cytokine storm, where a healthy immune system overreacts to the viral invaders and attacks healthy tissue, causing organ failure or sepsis. Covid has also been observed to cause clotting issues that I don't believe occur in the flu. I know two friends who lost pregnancies due to blood clots from a Covid infection, and a young, healthy instructor at the ski hill I patrol at died suddenly from a stroke caused by Covid.
Both my son and myself are doing much better today. Temperatures are regular with no medicine since yesterday afternoon/evening, oxygen levels are good, etc. We're both a little fatigued still, and I still have some sinus stuff hanging around and new, but very mild, cough today. But I'm confident that we're both heading towards 100% soon.

I have an appointment at 1:30 today to get tested to know for sure.
Both my son and myself are doing much better today. Temperatures are regular with no medicine since yesterday afternoon/evening, oxygen levels are good, etc. We're both a little fatigued still, and I still have some sinus stuff hanging around and new, but very mild, cough today. But I'm confident that we're both heading towards 100% soon.

I have an appointment at 1:30 today to get tested to know for sure.
Test confirms Covid positive for me as well. No regression to worse symptoms despite no medicine today (y)(y)
While that's the case in many cases for both flu and Covid, young and healthy people dying (from both) is often due to the cytokine storm, where a healthy immune system overreacts to the viral invaders and attacks healthy tissue, causing organ failure or sepsis. Covid has also been observed to cause clotting issues that I don't believe occur in the flu. I know two friends who lost pregnancies due to blood clots from a Covid infection, and a young, healthy instructor at the ski hill I patrol at died suddenly from a stroke caused by Covid.
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