First hand Covid symptoms

And for hunting forum this place is filled with a bunch of sensitive pussies. But then again look who the leader
Using a lot of hard language old man.
Don’t get to round up you’re gonna blow out your liver. Continue on with your shit forum and your group of dick riders
And for hunting forum this place is filled with a bunch of sensitive pussies. But then again look who the leader
If there was any doubt as to whether you were an asshole or not, I think you pretty well eliminated it.
heh, I always say if weren't for a-holes we would all be full of poo. Coronavirus much like it's close cousin rhinovirus can mutate very easily as can the influenza virus. If they couldn't, cold medicine companies would be out of business and we wouldn't have our doctors recommending a flu shot every year. Being it can mutate a vaccine can't be 100% effective all the time but the antibodies it triggers can help fight a mutation. Delta is obviously one of those variants and here in Vegas where delta is an issue, it is found those that are vaccinated if the do need hospitalization have a much higher rate of recovery.

For those that fight the idea of vaccines look what has happened on college campuses where not enough of the student population had received MMR shot when they were kids.

@blueridge may you and yours get well quickly
My wife and I just tested positive. I’ve had what I thought was a summer cold (scratchy throat, runny nose, congestion). My wife thought hers was the flu (headache, congestion, extreme tiredness). A week in and it is still kicking her ass. Three sister-in-laws, nephew, and wife’s uncle also have it. My kids getting tested today. Everyone had been vaccinated (Pfizer, J&J, and Moderna). This Delta variant is troubling. Hopefully the vaccines are lessening the symptoms and keeping folks out of the hospitals, but still discouraging. We’ve collectively got to get on top of this thing so it doesn’t keep mutating and undercutting our previous and current efforts.
A retired co-worker and his wife happily relocated to Oklahoma and bought a very nice house. He and I have been in touch since, frequently sharing thoughts over forges, etc.

His wife owned an Asian restaurant and had been an extremely devoted owner. Great food! Sold as they moved onto enjoying the fruits of their hard work.

They called it time to retire about a year - year and a half(?) ago.

His last conversation with me was how comfortably happy the two were enjoying the simple side of retired employment @ Bass Pro Shop. He, in the fishing dept and her in the restaurant.

He's a life long Marine all the way, proud, God fearing American, true and through. One who had his Marine's flag along with the great Red, White, and Blue.

They caught covid and both admitted to the hospital a week ago.

His wife passed away two days ago.

Love life. Make the most of life. Embrace those who mean the world to you. Say,, "I love you". Don't put off today that you'd regret not doing for tomorrow we may...

This is the first real hammer to strike real reality. Sure I know of this or that person in one way or another though these two meant the world to each other. I valued his sage skills within our employ and her kind and entrepreneur solid drive of restaurant success I admired greatly.

Sometimes it's good to get thoughts out there. I appreciate this thread.
Sytes : I am so sorry about the loss of your friend

Blueridge: so very sorry. Hope all is well soon for you and your wife

Best to all who are fighting this one way or another. illness or death of self, family or friend, as well as the financial hit many have experienced.

We are going thru an uptick in cases right now and opening up "The Territories" are not in direct alignment with the proposed border opening between our countries. One of the things we have always had to deal with in The Territories in depression and suicide and of course with the lock down that has also gotten worse, as has alcoholism. I have threaten to just disappear into the wilderness for a few months--anyone want to join me :)
Sytes : I am so sorry about the loss of your friend

Blueridge: so very sorry. Hope all is well soon for you and your wife

Best to all who are fighting this one way or another. illness or death of self, family or friend, as well as the financial hit many have experienced.

We are going thru an uptick in cases right now and opening up "The Territories" are not in direct alignment with the proposed border opening between our countries. One of the things we have always had to deal with in The Territories in depression and suicide and of course with the lock down that has also gotten worse, as has alcoholism. I have threaten to just disappear into the wilderness for a few months--anyone want to join me :)
“Jack stood up as he said this, the bloodied knife in his hand. The two boys faced each other. There was the brilliant world of hunting, tactics, fierce exhilaration, skill; and there was the world of longing and baffled commonsense.”

-Lord of the Flies
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If anyone is interested, my future MIL is a hospital/nursing home administrator and my go-to buddy for discussing COVID.

She told me Friday evening that our local hospital system has taken in 55 new cases in the past couple of weeks; 49 of those 55 were not vaccinated.

Anecdotal, but I felt like sharing. Stay safe everyone!
Here in fl my wife works at a country club, they closer last week due to a surge in covid cases. 6 total in the restaurant/kitchen. 5 of the 6 were fully vaccinated.
They are pretty sure it all started from one manager who had just returned from California visiting family. She was vaccinated but tested negative the first test after feeling flu like symptoms. Two days of feeling worse she went and tested again and was positive that time but not before working two days even know she felt sick. She was convinced it couldn't be covid since she was vaccinated.

Our numbers are surging but its no surprise. Lots of non vaccinated people and we are busier than normal for this time of year. Think our local news said flights in are all full or nearly full with tourists and going out in town there are so many out of state people on vacation you would think it was winter and everyone was getting out if the cold up north
Got off the phone an hour ago with my wife’s doc, trying to get her some support. Doc said they had NO positive tests at their practice May and June. July is now surging. We had a chance. Enough vaccines for everyone and only Russia has more non-vac folks. Cases were plummeting, felt like things were normalizing, now 51k/day. The only thing scarier than this Delta variant are the future ones that are likely coming, ones for which the vaccines we invested so much in potentially won’t be as effective. Just feels like such a missed opportunity. Masking back up.

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