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First hand Covid symptoms

Anybody had the second dose of the moderna vaccine? I'm getting the second shot right before last weekend of duck season. Wondering if I'll be able to go...
My wife has her’s scheduled end of the week and goes straight into a 30hr shift 🤷‍♂️.

A bunch of her colleagues have had the second dose and experienced symptoms. A number have had to take a day off work. The backup call list has been heavily utilized the last couple weeks with people getting second doses.

The immune response seems to be more severe in groups with the strongest immune systems... so a 30 year old MD is going to experience more sever symptoms than a 72 year old.
My 80 year old mother and father got their first dose yesterday. Grandkids and I are anxiously waiting for them to receive their second dose. Pretty damn proud of the old German farm girl and the Italian hardrock miner for acting like reasonable, responsible adults through this whole mess.
Well turns out they never had me scheduled in the first place. So I had them put me down for Sunday afternoon. Monday is all telework anyway so won't be too bad either way. Glad I'm not set to work a 30 hour shift.

Weather doesn't look great so probably only shooting a limit in my imagination.
For what its worth. My wife received her 2nd dose of the Moderna vaccine last Friday and by Friday evening she was feeling poorly. She developed a fever of 101+ throughout the night and exhibited about all the classic symptoms (body aches, chills, fever, general soreness, nausea, fatigue) until about she woke up on Sunday morning, when she felt all but normal.
Pretty amazing statistics for the quantity of vaccinations provided and very few severe side effects.


Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergic reaction that does occur rarely after vaccination, with onset typically within minutes to hours (3). Twenty-one cases were determined to be anaphylaxis (a rate of 11.1 per million doses administered), including 17 in persons with a documented history of allergies or allergic reactions, seven of whom had a history of anaphylaxis. The median interval from vaccine receipt to symptom onset was 13 minutes (range = 2–150 minutes). Among 20 persons with follow-up information available, all had recovered or been discharged home.
Anybody had the second dose of the moderna vaccine? I'm getting the second shot right before last weekend of duck season. Wondering if I'll be able to go...
I've talked to a few people who have had it. Wide range of experiences, from almost no side effects, to pretty sick for a couple of days. Hope you have the former!
Well I’ve lost all taste and smell. Very mild sinus symptoms the last 2 days. Bad headache yesterday that I figured was from sinus pressure. Felt fine today but noticed food was bland at dinner. My blood orange beer taste more like water. Sprayed my wife’s perfume and can’t smell it at all. Very strange cause one side of my nose is completely open. 99.1 fever first time I checked but 98.3 now?? Getting rapid test in the morning. Thoughts from those that have had it or been around people that have. Thanks a bunch.
I had no lose of taste or smell. Mainly a fever for six hours or so. My chest get heavy for a couple days and thankfully that was the majority of my symptoms. Had some headaches. But if I stayed hydrated it was pretty good. Feel better!
Got my second COVID shot yesterday. Absolutely no reaction at all. Not even a sore arm 👍
That was a nice spoonful of sugar to make the 2nd vaccination go down. Thanks F250 :)

I just wrapped up with my 2nd dose. So far everything's the same as last time. A pressure around the eyes kind of like last time feels like the eyes are dilated from an eye exam.
Well, I'm wiped! Trying to sleep as much as possible to avoid the aches and constant head thumping. Yesterday was ok... couple hours after dose #2, started to feel sore and exhausted. I left work. Today, I'm spent! It's amazing how a body operates.

Spoke with my Doc. I had very little if any effects from the first whereas my doc was slammed, fever and all. The second was smooth sailing for him and I? Ugh.

Good side it doesn't last long. Just a day or two... bad side? That day or two sucks! Haha!

Happy to have the vaccine regardless. It is what it is...
Well guys, to be honest, the fact that there’s HxC western hunters and ultra runners in the comments above saying that they felt varying forms of discomfort from the vaccine doesn’t make me super stoked to get mine on Friday.
Im only doing this to keep mother from worrying and in hopes of impressing the pretty woke, Canadian, Spanish teacher I met on tinder, thus giving me an advantage while trying to convince her to go on more “trail runs” 😉 with me.
(she’s prob got 20 boyfriends)

But if this turns out to be mind control I want the powers that be to know I was on to your ass’s the whole time and I did not get the vaccine under my own accord.

and you guys seem somewhat smart, so what the hell. 🤷‍♂️
Well guys, to be honest, the fact that there’s HxC western hunters and ultra runners in the comments above saying that they felt varying forms of discomfort from the vaccine doesn’t make me super stoked to get mine on Friday.
Im only doing this to keep mother from worrying and in hopes of impressing the pretty woke, Canadian, Spanish teacher I met on tinder, thus giving me an advantage while trying to convince her to go on more “trail runs” 😉 with me.
(she’s prob got 20 boyfriends)

But if this turns out to be mind control I want the powers that be to know I was on to your ass’s the whole time and I did not get the vaccine under my own accord.

and you guys seem somewhat smart, so what the hell. 🤷‍♂️
The chip only explodes if you Wander outside your presets....and, we're gonna need a pic.
Anyone having any blood pressure issues after COVID? I’m sure it’s probably not related but my bp is out of control here lately. I had a mild case of Covid in October but still don’t feel back to normal. I’ve been on bp meds for probably 6 years and it normally stays around 130/80 or so. It has been creeping up for the last month or so. I’ve doubled my dose and it’s still 160/105 or so. Going to the doctor in the morning to try to get it figured out. Very strange stuff.
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