First ever guided hunt - South Africa

Finally got caught up on the thread and thoroughly enjoyed the story! You’ve got a knack for putting an experience into words. Thanks for taking us along on the trip and with such great detail!
Personally, I think the utility of detachable box magazines is greatly overrated.
I thought so too until I was given a rifle (Sako L46) that had them. Now I want detachable magazines in EVERYTHING. Do I have to have them? No. Would I hunt with a Pre-64 model 70, or M98? Definitely! Do I still like detachable mags? YEP!!!
Thanks for the time you put into this write up took me days to get through it. Didn't help the small itch that has been slowing developing to go hunt and see Africa.
Well, I thought the sable that I had wounded was going to make it but they found it yesterday.

They were out hunting and smelled something and looked and found him.

Amazing how tough these animals are that it lived for over a month after I shot it. Very sad that it suffered so long but two leopards had already found it and were making it part of the circle of life.

Damn! That is a nice one! You get the horns. You paid for them. Euro mount or will they find a cape for you? I very nearly lost a kudu bull this year. Shooting over some stuff that I didn't realize was closer to me than the bull. Bullet hit something and went awry. One inch to the left would have killed him. One inch to the right and would have missed altogether. Instead it grazed his neck and took out the offside shoulder. Very freaky. Two days later on my last day hunting we got him. Lucky. It was amazing to watch that bull running up over hills on three legs. Tough buggers. In fifty-six years I've never lost an animal (though once almost did ... grazed the front leg on a spike bull elk back in '77 and two other guys got him).
Yes. Not the way I wanted it to play out but nice to get closure on it. It is an amazing animal and wish it would have gone down differently.

They said they could probably find a cape, however I don’t think that would feel right since I made the poor decision on the neck shot and didn’t make a clean kill.

They actually have been holding out on sending everything to the taxidermist hoping they would find him so the skull will get added to everything else and get delivered to the taxidermist so that can get started now.

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