Kenetrek Boots

first buck

NICE !!!!!

Tell us about yourself. You should be proud of that. Did you go with your dad ?

Welcome to Hunttalk !
i will have the story this afternoon when i have more time to right it, i have to go to school |oo i hate school
the day i got him it was sunny and bright and about 4:20 i see 2 does come into the feild so i raised my gun and right before i shot i saw somthing else jump the fence, it was him so i aimed and fired. he ran back into the wood and i thought for sure i missed, i was wrong. 10 yards into the woods he was sitting under a pine tree, i was so happy. :) he was 180 pounds and a basic 8 point with a 14 inch spread.
An AWESOME buck!!! Congratulations.

slughunter said:
i will have the story this afternoon when i have more time to right it, i have to go to school |oo i hate school

And hang in there with school. The more education and school you get, the more great places around the world you will get to hunt. You will have doors opened that allow you to hunt from Alaska to Africa and places in between. :)
Nice buck slughunter!!!

Elkgunner is right. Get as much schooling as you can. I hated school too and my dad always told me "you can use your brain or your back". My back wishes I would have listened to him.
haha, i take it you work in construction. my family has a history of that so i wouldent be suprised if i work in construction.
Looks like a great start. Congratulations. A lot better than my first buck.

Elkgunner and I disagree on lots of things. The thing we have in common is we both have a good education. It is essential to get the schooling if you want to get the $$. Take his advice. Get all of the schooling you can get.


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