Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

First Blood


I don't think your being a jerk at all. I just wanted to make sure you understand the way NH moose season works. The subpermit holder has a right to shoot the moose legally just like the regular permit holder. My father and Myself are both wild game processors and have a shop where we process wild game. We both hunt Alaska and many other states for big game. The last think either of us wanted was to shot each others animal but I would think that looking through a wardens eyes like you said, you have two moose down. One with an obviouse 338 mag hole and the other with one clean 30-06 hole. They had the complete story and blood trails to prove it yet they still prosecute?? Not only myself but my wife, my brother who was my fathers sub-permit holder. They charge him with assisting in the illegal taking of moose. He never fired a shot. My wife they charged with not immediately tagging the moose. We never moved it without a tag and we were starting to fill it out when my father arrived. What really happend was the warden put so much time in researching and looking over the case that he felt his time was worth something and he was mad when all the stories checked out. I have two brothers who are both Police officers and there is nothing they hate more than when they have a hunch about someone and it does pan out. I accept your thoughts with great appreciation and thanks.

Jay....a couple of things. One, there is no such thing as "an obvious 338 hole".....in my opinion. I have seen holes of various sizes left by calibers of various sizes, many factors contribute to the variation.

Secondly, you are looking for case examples from other states, when in fact they will do you no good as each state is governed by their own laws.....ie....LA has a hillbilly redneck killing more than the legal 6 deer a year and not being prosecuted, because LA has no taggng system or any other means to monitor how many deer each hunter harvests, so it is the honor system.
.....that would not help you in New Hampshire because your laws call for a tagging system which relies less on honor and more on regulating the number of deer being tagged. It does not matter what happens in another state, only the laws of the state you are hunting.
That is pretty wild you have so many cases of folks arguing over dead animals....I believe I would find another area to hunt.
Good luck,.....
You might check Arizona records if you can seems to me someone wounded a buffalo and someone else put it down when the first shooter got there he claimed it said AZ law says if you are on the trail it is yours
Jig Maker what does that last example mean? Was there such an issue in Az as in your first note regarding the buffalo. It would make for interesting reading.

Thanks Jay

The reason I am asking for case law is because the only legal argument which NH fish and game can make is regarding a MASS case where a hunter sued another hunter over deer which he claimed to has killed. You can actually use cases from other legal matters to provide pass judgement on similar legal matters. Especially in Superior court where I am headed. Thanks..

Ps. One last note the F&G Officer who was going to testify on my behalf regarding FIRST BLOOD is now not available due to a family vacation in Chicago. Odd isn't it they F&G just notified us today. The trial is Tuesday.
In my eyes you did the right thing. I would have done the same as you, whether it be a cow moose or a monster buck. I was brought up with the same moral in mind. Some can frown upon it, laws may be against it, but i would have done the same thing.

later, MM
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