Fin's 2008 video clips

Time for a quick update on "Fin and Friends" TV show.

Last month, I'm thinking I might have to open my show by saying things like "Jimney Christmas" or "I'm a tellin' ya" or "Y'all see dat big budt?" Maybe start with frog giggin' or catfish noodlin'. Things were looking kind of bleak.

Now a month later, I'm sitting here with three network offers. Offers being "Send us a big check and we will air your show at time slot X:XX, three times a week for twenty-six weeks." Guess it helps that most the other shows are about to go tits up as sponsors run for the doors. Now the networks are looking for another stupid sucker. Step right up Mr. Fin.

Not sure which one will make the most sense. They are all expensive, and when you pencil it out, it costs the sponsor about the same cost per thousand impressions, no matter where it airs. Sponsors are all balking at the cost of any of them, so I might be writing my own checks for the airtime and promoting Hunttalk on the nine 30-second commercials I get to sell. Wonder if Hunttalk will pay for those slots? :confused:

I have a small fortune invested in great footage, mortgaged my first-born to convince the networks that I actually have my head out here where the air is fresh, and now, without a few hundred thousand of sponsorship money to pay for the airtime, I have nothing more than some really expensive home hunting videos. And to think people pay for investment and tax advice from someone as stupid as me. :rolleyes:

Anyone have a network preference? A distaste? You guys are probably the best proving grounds out there. I mean what the hell, being a HT member should have some benefits.

Maybe we will have to film a few HT guys and their hunts, just to make sure we have some viewers. I'm thinking if at least one Hunttalker was filmed, his family and a few friends would watch it, even if it was aired in between a Billy Mays infomercial and Smiling Bob and his enhancement products. And hopefully a Hunttalker or two would tune in.

Maybe I should post a "sizzle clip" (TV slang for the shoot 'em up highlights) here, so guys can get a feel for what it will be like. Some of you have already seen it, and told me to go back to the drawing board. :(

I am hoping the rest of the HT crew will be a little more encouraging. :eek:

I dont think you need to change a thing.

At first, I thought the message may be a bit harsh...but then it hit me.

Why should you or I or anyone else that hunts on their own apologize for it? I mean really, the other shows dont have any trouble telling you that unless you lease some land, own a corn-flinger, or use c'mere dont have a chance and it cant be done. Your show is telling them they can do it without all the crap.

So, the more I thought about it, the more sense it made to me, to not change a thing. I think it may get a few mixed reviews at first, and I think some of the outdoor personalities are going to say, "oh shit!" when they see it...but who cares. Judging by what I read on hunting boards about the current status quo of bubbas game farm hunting show...I think it will be a success.

Its got to, all I hear is crying over the corn feeders, high fences, and outfitted hunts.

Fin, as much as this will surprise everyone here, have to agree with Buzz on this one. from the clips I have seen of yours on here, don't change a thing. DIY is going to be more and more popular as the economy continues to go downhill. and when you post where the show will be airing, will be spreading the word on the other boards I go to. who knows, maybe you will be the next winner of the "moosie" awards they give to the favorite hunting show on the outdoor channel.:cool:
Fin, I agree with Buzz that there is nothing wrong with the message. I think it could be tweaked a bit to make it more palatable to the sponsors, but no reason to sell out.

I think it will be a success. Getting it on the air will be the challenge in this economy.
WHO in the TV world can we call/write/E-mail and say we WANT to see DYI western hunts ?

The reason they find it "offensive" is because it will make the established shows and celebrity hunters look bad.
I would love to see your stuff, on TV.
I recently watched some hunting TV shows, all high fence, fat boys who would die at the first sight of a 10,000 ft mountain. It sucked.
Im in. I'll write someone asking for more DIY hunting just give us the info who to write to.
I agree with Oak and Buzz, the message is good, very good and a refreshing change. Not that I know anything about much of anything, but what about sponsors that aren't selling goods??? Conservation groups both national and regional may have an interest is helping you spread the DIY message? What about the state F&G and/or tourism (could also include city or county) agencies of the states you did these hunts in? Just a thought to some folks that should have an interest in these types of things that aren't expecting you to do nothing more than show what they have to offer...
Not that I know anything about much of anything, but what about sponsors that aren't selling goods??? .
What do you mean? In order to do a DIY hunt, you need to buy a shitload of gear instead of rely on an outfitters stuff. I see it as a good way for some companies to sell gear.

I think he was just trying to help fin find some sponsors for his new TV show. I dont think he implied that DIY hunters hunt with hand-made spears while wearing a loin cloth.
All I know about hunting shows is from watching them. Most of them are horrible, other than Tred Barta all of them are selling something. Most of them are horrible shots even with their shooting sticks.
I think a Blue Collar, Working Man show would work. The problem is paying for it. Start it on the internet sites like Wildcast. You already have most of the investment in. Use the free services of Wildcast, or the likes. Selling a little time on the front and backend of the video.
OK, time for a little more contemplation about the long-term ramifications of this idea.

In the last month, the networks started wanting the show. Evidently all the other shows have lost sponsorship and they are hoping I am another sucker to buy their airtime. Given the price they want for airtime, I might have to start robbing banks instead of doing tax returns.

Attorneys are reviewing all the potential network contracts, and I am crunching the numbers. Need to make a decision this month.

One offer is from the most expensive network, and they seem to think their airtime is gold. Holy smokes, not sure how you convince a sponsor to pay that kind of money. Maybe if Moosie was running around in his loin cloth, and Ms. Moosie with even less, it could be justified. :eek:

But when the footage is Fin and his ugly pals, not a chance. :(

One network is offering amazing time slots, and the price reflects that. But, their price gets better each time we talk. And, they have the track record with sponsors.

Two other networks are interested, but most the potential sponsors say they only give product as a form of sponsorship on those networks. Hell, I can afford your products, or I wouldn't be using them. Cash is king.

There is a pretty good chance we can't work out the legal details, or that the numbers just won't make sense. If so, man, do I have some home hunting video for the next Hunttalk gathering. But, it is nice to get to this point to have many expensive options to choose from. One inexpensive option would be real nice, but not likely.

Either I will fold the tent and say to hell with the hassles and headaches, take a big tax loss, hire a really good divorce attorney, and air the footage here on Hunttalk. Or, with lots of luck and a winning lottery ticket, I might be airing a bunch of Hunttalkers on the tube come July.

What site has its own TV show? I can't think of any. What show has regular forum dudes doing the hunting? None that I know. Hell, I guess Hunttalk will be in a class of its own.

Wait, Hunttalk is in a class of its own.....isn't it?

Who knows where it will shake out, but in a few weeks, I guess we'll all know. If you see a bunch of new video clips playing here on Hunttalk, you will know I called it quits and decided to go back to just hunting.

Anyone got an extra $250K laying around? If you guys let me win the Final Four pool, I will only need $249,750 to buy this network airtime.

And I can't even start thinking about what it will cost to pay for producing the hunts in the upcoming season.

Moosie, you didn't cash that check yet, did you? Don't drop it, you might never catch up to it as it bounces away.
Fin- Have you asked Eastman's for an endorsement? They love to promote DIY hunts... ;)

Seriously, I hope you the best of luck as the premise of your show is one I'd spend money to watch. Not $250K money, but money nontheless...
Randy, screw the tv you can make more money online.
Networks dont like your show cause it doesnt show money. Ie sponsors in the show. for example guys using real tree guys using a outfitter, guys using a lease etc etc that is all potential sponsors which is money.

dont take this wrong but this is what it looks like to them.
your show on the other hand has a bunch of cheapskates, and guys who want to cut corners, guys who dont spend big bucks etc etc this type of show won't get a exec at budwieser or coco cola to buy a hunt from some note worthy guide or a lease from some huge corp.( Ie potential sponsors).

you have to remember networks don't give a rats ass about anything but the bottom line. even if it means the audiance is going to be shorted. the networks only know people who can afford the hunts they have no idea who manny moe and Jack are nor do they care why cause they have no possible way in a potential network sponsor.

now if you do it on a website you would make more in the long run ( not in the short run)sell copies for x amount, show some clips from a few maybe put some cut out parts online for free etc etc.I would buy a cd of oscar killing a spike before watch a tv show. Real guys are going to buy them there are hundreds of thousands of REAL People out there. I am not talking about dweebs like monstermuleys there all fake wannabes and whining bitchs etc etc.
The way you guys hunt and alot of people on this board it could be a great deal for ya.

That is why you need me and prettyboy Miller in an episode hunting lopes:D no more ugly pals for you
I'd buy that, not! :rolleyes::rolleyes: That would definitely expand your viewing audience. I think the ratings in San Francisco and Seattle would go up though.
Like it or not it seems Delw hit the nail on the head. Gone are the days when ol' Gordon Eastman went out and did his thing with whatever equipment he could scrape up and nobody gave a hoot about what type of boots he wore, tent he used, or type of super-sneak'up-on-em hemroid creme which we all know is absolutely necessary in this day and age if you want to actually have a chance at killing a critter.

I seriously hope that somebody out there in TV land realizes what you are selling is what most of us TRULY want to see and alot closer to how most of us hunt then most of the crap they are showing us now. I bet they would be amazed at the fact that a majority of the hunters out there don't even own a gun by Thompson Center.

Best of luck 'Fin!!
Isn't the Big O giving away Stimulis money? Get those Lawyers checking on grants and other chit. John

Damn John. I never thought about that. I will submit my request and let you know how it turns out.

Thanks for the comments guys. There are many reasons we see what we do on the networks.

1) It is very expensive to produce and buy the airtime. We will have over $500K invested and committed to another $300K for next year, before one drop of revenue comes in. If any comes in at all. That does not count my four months away from work and family, and three months of non-stop calling, writing, emailing, only to be told, "No thanks."

2) If you are not selling widgets, you really have a hard time justifying the costs. If you are pedalling a product, you can attribute this to advertising costs. If you are just a concept or ideology, you better have one hell of a committed group of followers who will support you and the sponsors who promote the idea.

3) Most shows are "for-profit" enterprises, and they cut every corner to improve the bottom line. They accept free hunts and go with guides and outfitters to improve success rates, antler size, and have exclusive access. Simple business principles at work. Keep costs low while trying to maximie revenue.

4) They use any product that will pay them a few bucks. Once the costs are sunk, every dollar goes toward return on those fixed costs, and they aren't too concerned about where the dollars come from. Not really the best way to do quality TV, but it pays their bills, so we get to see a lot of "advomericals" in the field. Some do it very tastefully, and they are the best shows.

5) Whitetails and turkeys are the most popular game animals in the US. And, they are cheap to film, as they are plentiful and accessible, with very little travel and lodging costs. Our exotic species out west are difficult to hunt, have lower success rates, and have lots of other costs associated with the hunt. That is why most western-themed groups are DVD projects, rather than TV shows.

6) A lot of hosts do not hunt like we do. They would struggle in non-guided hunts on public land. Many of them are not really hard core hunters, but anglers or golfers or.... But, some of them are the real deal, and could probably kick my 4$$ up and down the mountain.

7) Many sponsors are not too worried about content, just worried about a time slot that has a lot of eyeballs. Some slots are inherently productive for sponsors, just because hunters spend a lot of time on the tube late in the evenings on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Why care what the content is, especially if it is expensive content, so long as the slot guarantees a lot of viewers?

8) A lot of other reasons that are too numerous to mention.

So, for some reason, I drafted a business plan where I thought I could overcome all of these obstacles. Yup, call me dumb. Stupid is as stupid does. Maybe should have just went hunting, rather than talking myself into this last September. Too late now.

There are really four big obstacles in this business. 1) Can you provide quality footage? 2) Will the networks find it acceptable and interesting? 3) Will viewers like it? and 4) Will sponsors pay for it?

I think we have a smash hit on items 1-3, but item 4 is proving to be the most difficult. Until sponsors hear more demand for non-guided content, hurdle 4 will continue to be the most difficult hurdle to clear. A little improvement in the economy would help item 4, also.

A-Con asked who guys can email to demand this kind of content. Well, companies you see sponsorsing shows/content you don't like would be the best. For obvious reasons, I cannot post a bunch of personal emails on a site and ask folks to flood them with requests.

In spite of the risks, I will proceed with this first year, regardless of sponsorship, so long as the attorneys can agree on a contract that works. If we get no sponsorship, year two will probably not be in the cards.

I feel that strongly about telling the story of the average hunter in America. It is the best conservation story in the world, and no one else seems willing to tell it. If I am divorced and penniless after the process, I hope some of you guys will take me hunting. :eek:

Hopefully, once/if it hits the tube, guys will take the time to email the sponsors and networks and tell them how much they like the concept and the content. If not, well, at least we will go down swinging. :D
Sponsor's can be tricky, just don't get this guy to talk products to your audience:

Review 3 for Butt-Out Tool
Overall Rating: 5 out of 5

Wrong Hole, February 2, 2009
By Pirate5227 from California

"It worked great when used as per instructions. A friend of mine used it on doe hunt in WY last year but got his holes confused. It doesn"t work well when you use the wrong hole. Hence the name: Butt-Out Tool"

Would you recommend this product to a friend? Yes