fingers Crossed.. Fingers Crosssed..


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed..

"Someones" dad just had an Phone interview with a Company in King Salmon....
If "Someones" dad finds out by weeks end and Get's it, Someone is going to hunt Bear in AK next year.... "Brown" that is :D :D

Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed.. Fingers Crosssed..
ya good luck to that someone and thier dad, wich kinda obvious u crossing fingers, and yeah we know, anyway hope all goes well:D
Is someone going to need someone to help drive that someones belongings to the new house in AK? :D :rolleyes:
Funter ... LOL !!! HAHA !! 10-4 good buddy, Someone will let you know !!!

Mojave, Take the Red pills Chick.... not the Blue ones......

Just remember before you buy those plane tix, that it takes a year to establish residency in Alaska for hunting and fishing. After that though, you are so in. I am suffering through that restriction as I write.
Just didn't want you heading right out. I just bought my second nonresident license so that I can apply for the draw. Just moved up a couple of months too late. Good luck!

Guide Requirements for Brown Bear and Mountain Goat

Alaska residents are not required to have a guide. "Alaska resident" means a person who for the preceding 12 consecutive months has maintained a permanent place of abode in the state and who has continually maintained a voting residence in the state. Nonresident bear or goat hunters must be accompanied by a licensed guide or by an Alaska resident who is a relative within the second degree of kindred. "Second degree of kindred" means a mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, spouse, grandparent, grandchild, brother- or sister-in-law, son- or daughter-in- law, and father- or mother-in-law, step-father, step-mother, step-sister, step-brother, step-son, or step-daughter. A member of the military service who has been stationed in the state for the preceding 12 consecutive months is a resident, and any dependents of the same are residents. A person who is a legal alien but who for one year has maintained a permanent place of abode in the state is a resident for hunting purposes.

Since I scrapped my Alaska hunting plans for this year (due to training), I plan to hunt 9E for brownies next May. That is an awesome hunt. The area is beyond beautiful and the bears grow big there. Season is only open in the spring of even years and fall of odd years. So, I'll cross my fingers for you that your dad gets there before May 31 of this year, so that you can hunt that sub-unit next year, if that is what you were hoping for, since King Salmon is in 9. Bears normally start popping out around the early second week or so, the season closes May 31, 06 unless there is a regulation change for some odd reason.

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