PEAX Equipment

Finaly got a bear.


New member
Aug 26, 2004
My 15 year old son and i tryed our hand at bear bating this year. Things werent going all that well. We hadent had much action at our site and as of tonight had only seen one bear and he hadn't came all the way in. My son wanted to shoot his bear with his bow but opted to take the rifle tonight because we were runing out of time and the bears just werent coming in well at all. Well tonight was the night and he got his bear. It wasent near as big as we had hoped for but I it was the best he was going to get at this site so I gave him the thumbs up and he made a great shot. As you can see in the picture I think he was happy so I am to. We will get a biger one next time.

I'd say "happy" would be an understatement. That guy looks stoked. Congrats to you and your son.
Good on the young man.. Great photo.. and that bear might not be huge, but he seems to have some great markings and good color..

Nice looking bear Rhett! Nice work on getting him on a bear Warren.

Looks to be a decent boar. Much better than my last bear!
Congratulations, too bad you couldnt get it with a bow, but there will always be a next time..