This is my first deer kill during 2002 season. She was a small one, but the freezer was empty
I was hunting by myself this morning and saw a total of 13 deer. It was one of 3 that I had a shot at and it was the biggest
so I shot, she ran about 40 yards and fell.
When I got home, my daughter who had just turned 3 yrs old, had to get her camo on and get her picture taken with her daddy and the deer. The pic was taken in my front yard.
BTW......did I mention that I missed 5 times this year
see it can even happen to trained professionals
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-09-2003 17:06: Message edited by: FLIPPER ]</font>

I was hunting by myself this morning and saw a total of 13 deer. It was one of 3 that I had a shot at and it was the biggest

When I got home, my daughter who had just turned 3 yrs old, had to get her camo on and get her picture taken with her daddy and the deer. The pic was taken in my front yard.
BTW......did I mention that I missed 5 times this year

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-09-2003 17:06: Message edited by: FLIPPER ]</font>