Kenetrek Boots

Finally an equitable balance between resident and non resident shed hunting access.

Interesting. So on national forest lands, people from a nearby state wouldn't be allowed to pick up an antler before x date? This shits getting out of hand. Are we still allowed to hike there? Can I pick up an agate if I see one? Or are we going to need licenses to do that?

Federal lands such as national forests, or US forest service land is federally funded right? Shouldn't non residents have just as much of a right to utilize them as a resident?
Hell no. No NR access to the wilderness either. We will slowly thin out the NR hunters of all kind with huge fee increases, limited access on public land, tickets for shed hunting and corner crossing, etc..

It's part of the "We are tired of the NR whining about point creep plan " Gordon laid out when he was elected.

We are also going to phase out electric vehicles well

Next up the Colorado greenies who come rape our sheep and steal our women.
I can’t believe Colorado hasn’t banned utards. From what I’ve seen they way out number the residents. As a nonresident who won’t shed hunt in wyoming I would support this one. I would take it one step further and ban antler sales. Let’s save some wildlife.
Yep. Ban antler sales. That’s what really needs to happen.
The game and fish agencies could add this to their list of issues that will be solved by Cwd management. No antlered critters, no antler hunting🤷‍♂️😂
I don't get this entire shed hunting thing. I have no desire to hang up antlers from an animal I didn't take. 🤷‍♂️
I don't get this entire shed hunting thing. I have no desire to hang up antlers from an animal I didn't take. 🤷‍♂️

You don't like a good brownie? Get disappointed by a chalker? Never wondered how you missed that hard white right off the trail you walked on last year? Never glassed up a set and had to bomb across a canyon to find it? Everyone could use a little brown gold in their life!

<iframe src="" width="480" height="223" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="
">via GIPHY</a></p>
I don't get this entire shed hunting thing. I have no desire to hang up antlers from an animal I didn't take. 🤷‍♂️
How about pick up 100#s of bone that can be sold for $10-18 per pound depending on age of the antler? I think that’s what draws in a bunch of folks
Id be willing to allow the NR the same time as me, as long as we ban the yahoos with 5 side by sides, walkie talkies, drone photographs, and teams of people all stacking the truck beds full for all there social media bs and dog chew/antler businesses (y)
They should simply ban the act of selling sheds it would cure many issues overnight.
I can’t believe Colorado hasn’t banned utards. From what I’ve seen they way out number the residents.

The folks from Utah were literally the nail in the coffin for why we have a seasonal shed-hunting ban in Colorado west of I-25, it was the best we could do since we can't ban them outright! I used to work for a guy who was on the wildlife commission when that rule was made, and the driving force behind the scenes was several groups of people from Utah coming over to the West Slope and harassing wildlife on their winter ranges on foot and ATV. Thanks to them my daughters now cannot pick up a little forkie shed when we hike in the national forest behind our house between January and May.
I can't lie the selfish part of me would like this. That being said, I think it's sad that we even have to have these types of regs proposed.
Just picture it, you get the ear of Rep. Sommers, he asks what concerns you have that he can possibly help solve and you come up with "I would like less pressure on the first three days of shed hunting season".
finding sheds while hunting, scouting, and backpacking is a real treat.

finding sheds while hunting turkeys and not being able to pick them up is a real stick in my ass.

solely going out to find sheds? who has time for that?