PEAX Equipment

FILM act

The biggest thing that the outfitter was upset about and what ended up really getting him in trouble is after the hunt, he was flying his drone around to get footage to use and while he didn't get a hunting violation for that, apparently its some different kind of higher level permit to be able to use drones for commercial footage?
Yes as a drone is considered aircraft. The pilots who fly for profit without their Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate are in violation of FAA rules. I know, it seems like another alphabet agency arbitrarily creating law. But here’s the thing with drones- midair collisions with real planes and helicopters have occurred. We’ll see this year again reports of unauthorized drones during wildfire suppression. There are also different airspaces and individuals should have authorization prior to flying in some airspaces.
Common guys - there's no sense in thinking/wanting commercial filming gone from public lands. That wont happen - and there would be other effects you might not like...

Call and report it when you see it. Ask the USFS or BLM to enforce the law. But dont go old man yelling at clouds about it.

Theres no way a ban would/could be reliably enforced if paying a fee isnt.
I love the law enforcement is to busy to enforce laws arguements.

I’d way rather LEO’s spend their time building a case against criminals who film without a commercial permit than pursuing poachers killing and selling wildlife illegally.

Those guys without permits are bad people that are stealing our resources and harming society with their dastardly disregard.
Honestly, I think there needs to be some set threshold for when a film permit is needed. Does Big hollywood need a film permit? Absolutely. Does little Timmy with a gopro need a film permit when he films his family camping trip? I would like to think no. I also wonder where he line would be drawn if they require "All to have a permit." Does that mean if you take a snapchat video and upload it to your instagram story you'll need a film permit? If so you better go after all of the people at ski resorts that are on public land.
I’d way rather LEO’s spend their time building a case against criminals who film without a commercial permit than pursuing poachers killing and selling wildlife illegally.

Those guys without permits are bad people that are stealing our resources and harming society with their dastardly disregard.
Well some of the people commercially filming are poachers…
I think what would be FAR better than federal land management agencies regulating commercial filming permits...states regulating tags/permits for any commercial use, including film/media production. You want to film your hunt and use it in any way to generate revenue - that's fine...we offer 0.1% of the available tags per year for 'commercial use' and all the youtube/subscription/social media/ gurus can compete with each other for a share of the 0.1% of tags allocated to commercial filming/production. Any filming/content used to generate revenue from a hunt not from a 'commercial' tag...lifetime license revocation for the hunter, film crew, company owner...the whole lot.

If I think too hard about how many companies are paying for applications for employees/staff/family so they can produce content...knowing they are taking tags from people who just want to hunt for non-commercial makes me sick.
I’d way rather LEO’s spend their time building a case against criminals who film without a commercial permit than pursuing poachers killing and selling wildlife illegally.

Those guys without permits are bad people that are stealing our resources and harming society with their dastardly disregard.
I disagree. Vehemently... but respectfully. Poaching needs MORE enforcement - not less. You guys think theyll help keep clown shows honest - but what theyd really probably do is bother and question everyone around with a camera. Even then - hard to prove? Say they catch randy walking around filming on his phone and no permit - during hunting season - how do you prove the motivations for filming?

If we want to regulate filming of hunting more - do it at the state level.
Make them provide revenue sharing with the public/land management agency. Of course that would mean accountants and the irs would need to be involved. I’d be good with outfitter also having to do the same with land management and game management also. Of course I’m sure all these commercial entities would suddenly become non profits or money losers
I disagree. Vehemently... but respectfully. Poaching needs MORE enforcement - not less. You guys think theyll help keep clown shows honest - but what theyd really probably do is bother and question everyone around with a camera. Even then - hard to prove? Say they catch randy walking around filming on his phone and no permit - during hunting season - how do you prove the motivations for filming?

If we want to regulate filming of hunting more - do it at the state level.
I think you missed the sarcasm.
I think what would be FAR better than federal land management agencies regulating commercial filming permits...states regulating tags/permits for any commercial use, including film/media production. You want to film your hunt and use it in any way to generate revenue - that's fine...we offer 0.1% of the available tags per year for 'commercial use' and all the youtube/subscription/social media/ gurus can compete with each other for a share of the 0.1% of tags allocated to commercial filming/production. Any filming/content used to generate revenue from a hunt not from a 'commercial' tag...lifetime license revocation for the hunter, film crew, company owner...the whole lot.

If I think too hard about how many companies are paying for applications for employees/staff/family so they can produce content...knowing they are taking tags from people who just want to hunt for non-commercial makes me sick.
This is an interesting concept. Not sure if I agree or disagree, but curious how many people draw public tags and do anything to profit from that venture.

Vs. the family that applies for tags, goes hunting, takes a few short videos and pics to share with family and friends and goes home.
It seems like a person or two just spot checking online content could easily make big waves. Watch a video - by any content creator. Then reach out and request proof of a film permit. If none was pulled, send them a fine. I don't see a need to have boots on the ground enforcing these film permits when it could be someone sitting in an office somewhere.
How about the novel idea of creating a film license that costs $500 per year with the requirement of submitting location and days filmed.

There would be way more compliance and potentially even some revenue generated.

As it is now the degree of difficulty to be legal and the associated costs makes it far less expensive to pay the fines of caught than it does to be legal.

For the average guy looking to monetize a video of that he might make a hundred bucks and would have to spend a thousand bucks to procure a permit, that math doesn’t work. Hence, many guys don’t comply.

I’m not defending them, just pointing out the way it is. It’s why I stopped producing videos when I got tired of the cost and effort it took.
It’s only if they’re making monetary gains do they need the permit. Randy can make any corrections to this but if he goes out with the WHOLE crew and when asked for his permit he say “it’s for personal use.” He don’t need no stinkin permit. Thankfully he’s an honest fellow and understands the magnitude. He’s paying it back (forward?) to all of the public land trustees for his monetary gains.

If your or I filmed our hunt for our own personal records, actually got a harvest on tape and had a worth-watching video, and then decided years down the line to edit and post…. Then what?
Every single one I mentioned do it for monetary gain...
My guess is that if you’re running into some of the people mentioned, you’ll be cited for trespassing 😉
Not always...many of these I mentioned, and others, CLAIM to hunt public if they are in a state that requires a permit, they should have one, right?
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