Kenetrek Boots

Fillet knife of choice?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 38069
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I like the wooden handle Rapalas but have a few different one's. Probably found them for less than the Rapalas. Couple month's ago I was in a Walmart and found a 6" Ozark Trail for about a buck and a half. Steel blade and flex's fine. Seem's more than sharp enough. The knife I'd wanted was a Schrade filet knife. Boy that was a nice looking knife but just more money than I'd normally spend on a knife.

Something about filet knives. I've never heard from someone that had a custom he'd paid about $300 for! :)
The Leech Lake knives are nice if you are looking for a flexible blade. I prefer something more solid now so I had the guy at Screech Owl Knives make me one of his rockfish blades. That is the only knife I use now.
Love my Leech Lake knives. Sharp on both sides lets you keep the primary edge sharper longer.
I have a cheap Buck and a Cabelas flexible blade. Both work ok but I abuse the hell out of them. Dexter or Victornox knives have treated me well before so I'll probably buy another once I destroy these.

Admittedly I also use a Bubba Blade electric knife not that you want to hear about that one
I use a Cabelas Advanced Angler. Its probably ten years old but it’s strong, yet has some flex and holds an edge.

I bought a Bubba blade which is super sharp but seems to be better suited for fish 25” and up. Perhaps I should have bought the smaller blade.
I use an electric carving knife for crappie but going to upgrade next year and the wood handle rapalas for cutting the ribs out. My wife uses the rapalas for getting the silver skin off our game meat
This intrigues me, how many fish before blade change is necessary?
I have boned out 3 deer with the same havalon filet blade this year and I am going to do my 4th with it tomorrow. I run it over a steel about 10 times per side frequently, it’s not as sharp as new but it’s still sharp as hell.
I have the small 4” rap blade for ribs. Lots of fish(>10)=electric knife.
Less than that, I use a 6” flex rap knife!
Been using an old rapala for years on reds and trout then switch to a wider bubba blade for larger offshore fish like mahi and kings.
CutCo adjustable... been sent in twice for the free sharpening and replaced once (free) when the cam lock quit keeping the blade from sliding back in.
The Bubba Knives are great for big fish. Rapala wood handle for most fish, I also use it for deboning big game at the house.

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