Well-known member
Montanan's for Wildlife & Public Land Access
To all.
"Last night Ravalli County Fish & Wildlife Ass. wrote a check to the Montana Trappers Ass. for $5000. To help in the battle to fight I-177 the ballot to make public lands in Montana "Trap Free".
We can't allow this ballot biology to transpire in Montana.
If groups like HSUS join in with the local anti's, (and it's very likely) then they may drop a million dollars on behalf of "Trap free Montana) giving them enough money for a serious TV campaign leading down to election day.
The people putting together the fight against these anti organizations infiltrating Montana need aprox $500,000 to get the word out. Please join in this fight because the next one might be one that effects you.
Rest assured this is only a stepping stone for them. They say openly that using dogs for hunting will be next.
IF you or your group has not done it yet, I urge all individuals and or, organizations across the state to do as RCF&W ass. has done.
To help defeat I-177 and protect Montana Hunters, Anglers, Trappers and Ranchers donate to:
Paid for by: Montanan's for Wildlife & Public Land Access
Jim Buell Treasurer - PO Box 133 - Gilford, MT 59525
For more information on this animal rights activist initiative: