Caribou Gear Tarp

Field Trials may be banned in California

Washington Hunter

Well-known member
May 8, 2002
Rochester, Washington
Hearing Scheduled for California Anti-Coursing Bill- (05/05)

California legislation that will put a short leash on hunting dog competitors and field coursers will be heard in Assembly committee next week. Sportsmen from across the state are urged to take immediate action in opposition to the bill.

Assembly Bill 2110, sponsored by Assemblywoman Loni Hancock, D-El Cerrito, will make open field coursing competitions illegal. Sportsmen are urged to attend the Assembly Appropriations Committee hearing on May 10 to show opposition to the bill.

Sportsmen can claim a measure of victory because, originally, AB 2110 would have made those who hunt with dogs and pet owners whose dogs have run-ins with backyard wildlife vulnerable to prosecution. The measure has been amended to ban only coursing competitions.

“California sportsmen must remain united in opposition to this issue,” said Tony Celebrezze, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance director of state services. “A ban on competitive field coursing is the opening salvo in the war on all hunting with dogs and, ultimately, on all hunting. We cannot permit the first Domino to topple in the campaign to ban all hunting.”

Take Action! California sportsmen should attend the Assembly Appropriations Committee hearing on Wednesday, May 10 to oppose AB 2110. The hearing will be held in Room 4202 of the State Capitol Building at 9:00 a.m. Your attendance will help demonstrate concern that AB 2110 threatens sportsmen and others with dogs involved in competitions.

If you cannot attend, please contact the members of the Appropriations Committee and your Assembly member today. This is critical if your assemblyman or assemblywoman is a committee member, listed below. Let them know you oppose AB 2110. To find your legislator, call (916) 319-2856 or use the Legislative Action Center at

Appropriations Committee Members

Judy Chu, Chair
D- El Monte
(916) 319-2049

Karen Bass
D- Los Angeles
(916) 319-2047

Patty Berg
D- Santa Rosa
(916) 319-2001

Ronald S. Calderon
D- Montebello
(916) 319-2058

Hector De La Torre
D- South Gate
(916) 319-2050

Bill Emmerson
R- Rancho Cucamonga
(916) 319-2063

Ray Haynes
R- Temecula
(916) 319-2066

Betty Karnette
D- Los Angeles
(916) 319-2054

Johan Klehs
D- Hayward
(916) 319-2018

Mark Leno
D- San Francisco
(916) 319-2013

Alan Nakanishi
R- Lodi
(916) 319-2010

Joe Nation
D- Santa Rosa
(916) 319-2006

Jenny Oropeza
D- Carson
(916) 319-2055

Mark Ridley-Thomas
D- Los Angeles
(916) 319-2048

Sharon Runner
R- Lancaster
(916) 319-2036

Information on this website can be reprinted with a citation to the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance and

For more information about how you can protect your rights as a sportsman, contact The U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance, 801 Kingsmill Parkway, Columbus, OH 43229. Phone (614) 888-4868. E-Mail us at [email protected]
What a crock,Lets hope that bill gets flushed.
I wonder how many supporters of that bill have ever gone to a competition and watched the dogs work.
Im sure it's the same type that voted for shoving wolves and grizzles up our butts.
Muledeer4me said:
Im sure it's the same type that voted for shoving wolves and grizzles up our butts.

Yeah, that. And they are probably the same type that voted to ban hunting cougars with hounds in WA and Oregon. Also, the same type that banned baiting bears in Washington State.

One thing I hate (yes, I guess I'm a hater) is that whatever those loonies in CA (no offense Marv.....I know you're North of the loonies) come up with, it seems that similar legislation ends up happening in this state.

Fugg the liberals.|oo
I found an article that gives more complete information regarding this bill. The bill won't affect bird dog trials, as I had thought it would from reading the other article, but only Beagle, Basset, and Dachsund field trials. But still, hopefully all hunters in California will oppose this bill, because if this one passes next thing you know the anti's will be going after the next type of hunting on their list, for whatever reason they can dream up. :mad:

California Bill Would Outlaw Field Trials
[Wednesday, April 26, 2006]
Assembly Bill 2110 was recently amended and the new language will affect certain AKC sanctioned events. The bill will prohibit "live field coursing," which is now defined as "a competition in which dogs are, by the use of rabbits, hares, or foxes, assessed as to skill in hunting live rabbits, hares, or foxes." AB 2110 will effectively outlaw Beagle Field Trials, Basset Hound Field Trials and Dachshund Field Trials within the state of California.

The original intent of AB 2110 was to outlaw "live field coursing," defined as "any activity in which a dog is left untethered and allowed to track and pursue any rabbit, hare, or fox and that results in the injury or death of the rabbit, hare, or fox." In AKC sanctioned events dogs trail the scent of an animal, but they do not kill the animal.

As amended, AB 2110 threatens the rights of Beagle, Bassett Hound, and Dachshund breeders and owners to prove the merits of their dogs as true working hounds, capable of performing tasks for which these breeds were originally developed. Individuals dedicated to continuing and refining the innate abilities of these scenthound breeds deserve the right to continue their pursuits, which in no way threaten the native rabbits tracked only by scent.

AB 2110 now eliminates that right and should be vigorously opposed by everyone committed to purebred dogs and working field trails, regardless of their personal breed.

California fanciers, field trial participants and concerned dog owners are encouraged to immediately contact their Assemblymember to express opposition to this new definition of "live lure coursing." Ask your representative to ensure that the bill is amended so that it will not negatively impact field trials which are enjoyed by so many, and which do not bring harm to the rabbits that are tracked.

What You Can Do:

Contact the bill sponsor and voice your opposition to AB 2110. Ask her to withdraw the bill from consideration.
The Honorable Loni Hancock
State Capitol
Room 4126
Sacramento, CA 94249-0014
(916) 319-2014

Contact your own Assemblymember to express your concerns. To find out who represents you in California, visit:
Watch AKC's Web site for further updates. AB 2110 is now headed to the Assembly Appropriations Committee and we will post an update when a hearing date is announced.
For more information on this or other legislative issues, please contact the Canine Legislation department ([email protected]).
This one began with some very bad PR- exactly like Ith mentioned.
They held an open field coursing event not too far out of the Gay (Bay) area and it attracted a lot of media that had nothing better to do.

Unfortunately, a few of the more "vocal" folks they were filming were also some of the same type (the "there is one in every crowd" gang) that you really don't want on TV promoting ANYTHING you wish to hold solvent!

A couple of torn up jackrabbits later.....pending legislation on the table!

I will say this, after going to the event website and watching the videos- those greyhounds can flat out maneuver after a bunny! The Coyote should have befriended one of them before buying all that Acme chit! ;)
I have a bunch of bunnies on my property that I could donate to the field trial guys...........but I can't seem to catch them in the live trap. The only way I can get them seems to be with a .22 and CB longs.:D
I think the coverage of the coursing trials mentioned included folks painting their face with the blood of the dead critter. Regardless of how you feel about it, or whatever "initiation" or "rite" or "ritual" you went through with your first kill, it does not make sense to do this kind of thing on national television.
You're spot on there the media dude did the "close up" of the dead jack tossed in the bushes know the one with the glazed eyes and the screen fades to black....:rolleyes:
Here's another article on the subject of coursing rabbits - I'd hate to get fined because my bird dog chased a rabbit...

Oldest of hunting sports threatened by state legislature

Outdoor News Service
ADELANTO -- The jackrabbit broke out of the high cover and headed toward a distant fence line across flat, open ground. Three salukis zeroed in on the rabbit from different tangents and shifted into a blurring overdrive, closing the gap between themselves and the jack. At the fence, the rabbit made a hard right and sped along the far side of the fence with one of the salukis just 20 yards behind.
When the rabbit cut into heavier cover, the lead saluki changed its angle, closing the distance, and forced the rabbit to reverse its course and go back to the fence line. The rabbit was at top speed now, going back along the fence the same way it had just come. The second saluki had been behind the lead dog, but now it cut in behind the rabbit, just a couple of yards behind. This dog really turned on its speed trying to catch up, but the rabbit was pulling away slightly from both dogs.
The third and trailing saluki had shot through an opening in the fence just as the rabbit had been turned and cut back on its own tracks. The rabbit didn't see this dog because the brush was too high, but this trailing hound slowed, turned completely around, and then accelerated back toward the fence. The jackrabbit cleared some brush and ran right toward the third dog, tried to turn, but the saluki turned with the rabbit and the two merged. The dog snapped it's jaws in a fluid motion, killing the jackrabbit instantly.
It had happened so fast, there was still settling dust for 30 to 40 yards along the courses they had just run, and a small cloud was dispersing where the chase had come to an end at the convergence of three dogs and a jackrabbit.
It was like watching one of those incredible cheetah kills on the Discovery Channel, where you sit spellbound, realizing only later that you weren't breathing during the whole chase.
The big, dark saluki carried the jackrabbit toward us, keeping it away from the other two dogs. Frank Morris of Adelanto looked surprised. This was how it was supposed to happen, sure, but most of the time, the jackrabbits escape.
"We always say the rabbits have to be unlucky or young for the dogs to catch them," said Morris. This one was both.
Morris' fourth saluki came trotting up. The female was his oldest dog and she'd been chasing another rabbit on her own. The dogs were given water, and he let each one sniff and worry the jackrabbit carcass before taking it away. He put one of the dogs on a slip-leash, leading the way to the next patch of cover where another jackrabbit might be hiding. The dogs would chase at least another 20 jackrabbits futilely before the day got too warm and we retreated back to the vehicles and some shade.
Coursing with sighthounds is one of the oldest forms of hunting. Some people argue the salukis' blood line can be traced back at least 6,000 years. For the whole time hunters have used these sighthounds, and their kin, to hunt wild game. With each successive generation of selective breeding, the dogs became faster and the relationship between man and dog became stronger. They were good hunters alone, but together they were even more effective. The speed of the dog matched up well with the intellect of man.
When we stopped again to give the dogs water, Morris shed a heavy outer shirt and I could see he was wearing a tee-shirt that simply said, "Salukisaurus." The breed may not extend that far back in time, but the bond and long heritage is undeniable. For people like Morris, coursing becomes a part of their very makeup. Hunters are among the last people who have an honest connection to nature, participating in the daily struggles of life and death, and reaping the rewards of that affinity.
I was accustomed to having my Labrador retrievers push birds up for me with my shotgun. Now I was the flusher, and I waded into a patch of heavy brush trying to push out a rabbit. One of Morris' dogs flanked me, watching intently. I watched the dog.
In profile, you can see that a saluki is a long-legged, sleek dog with a chisel-shaped head. It's coat is long, almost feathery, and it's tail nearly drags on the ground. But when the dog turns to go away from you, you look twice to make sure it's actually there. The dog is slender to the point of near-invisibility. Lithe and sleek, everything about the saluki is related to aerodynamics and speed. Watching them, you quickly realize they were born to run, to chase.
So, because it is hunting, because it involves selective breeding, there are those who want to legislate coursing out of existence, flushing away 6,000 years of practical breeding and a rich tradition because they don't understand the process or find it offends their sensibilities.
Morris called me about Assembly Bill-2110 a couple of months ago. It is a horrible piece of legislation that, in its original written form, would have banned all dogs from chasing wild game. If your poodle chased a cottontail at a city park, you could be cited under this law. But the bill was really aimed at people like Morris who seek out game for his dogs to chase, just like sighthound owners have done for hundreds of generations. Morris wanted me to tag along on a hunt to see how the bill's authors have distorted what happens in the field with coursing hounds.
So in rebuttal, coursing isn't inhumane and game is never torn apart alive. I was sure coyotes are less humane, and I don't think they should have any priority over Morris and his salukis. Coursing isn't some underworld activity, in spite of the belief by some people that all forms of hunting are somehow criminal. There is no grueling training the dogs must endure. In fact, most sighthounds are not trained at all, as it relates to hunting. They simply do what's natural for them. And all the game pursued is wild game -- domestic hares are never released from cages to be chased by the dogs. Coursing is a pure, elemental form of hunting.
The bill¹s authors are clueless. Their talking points are right from an animal rights activists' handbook, and this is just a first step in their desire to ban all hunting, ban all rearing of domestic animals for sale, and
-- ultimately -- ban all meat consumption by people like us. They plan to do it a sliver at a time. Coursing is this month's sliver. I'm not very bright but even I could see right though to the real motives of this bill.
On Wednesday this week, the bill was in the Assembly Appropriations Committee for a vote. But it was shelved, placed in the "suspense file" because of an outpouring of opposition from dog owners, hunters, and people who just don't believe in legislation that arbitrarily discriminates against people.
The bill could come back in two weeks, so you might want to drop your assemblyperson a note, asking them to make sure this bill dies. You can also log on to to get more information.
Morris said I could tag along whenever he field courses his Salukis. I'd like to be able to take him up on that in the future.

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