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Feral Horses - My public land pet peeve

Almost had to whack one in Nevada once while mountain quail hunting. Big stud was pretty pissed off I surprised him and his girlfriends. Didn't have a shovel or a backhoe. Any
one else here hunt around them? mtmuley
We could use the Army’s Cavalry to break all the horses. Then issue them to the Corp of Engineers to survey the borders for a wall. When they aren’t needed any more due to lack of funding we can sell them to a foreign government as Army surplus. Then it’s there problem and we will have only of invested 5 billion on the project and still no wall.
Wonder on the taste.

Taco bell used to serve horse in their "ground beef" product. Though it was said only served in the UK. If I accidentally got some it was delicious. I helped put many horses down to keep TBell in business during my college years. ;)

On a serious note. If a hunt comes up. I will put my name if for a tag. I will feel different from shooting deer but at the end of the day its just food. Not a pet.
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If you think horses are bad, hunt central and western AZ. In some areas you will see 20 wild burros for every mule deer. They are a plague on the desert, with no solution in sight.
I've never encountered burros but they're covered under the same act - no hunting/killing/harassing etc. No natural predators and essentially no demand to adopt.

Funny thing - you never hear burros mentioned or shown in the animal rights activists arguments, just horses......
I've never encountered burros but they're covered under the same act - no hunting/killing/harassing etc. No natural predators and essentially no demand to adopt.

Funny thing - you never hear burros mentioned or shown in the animal rights activists arguments, just horses......

Horses have been romanticized by American culture, burros are looked at as dumb animals. Burros dont sell PETA memberships
Fire up the drones and internet scouting service.

Seriously though Ty has some great commentary with Hal on the Cast and Blast podcast.


Not to hijack the thread, but the last tid bit of that podcast is something I am looking forward to. Hal alludes to Ruffed Grouse and forestry in eastern forest, specifically the Southern Apps. It will be interesting to see if they explore that further
Hope no body hunts Az.!!! Horses are us!
Hunt elswhere...:cool:
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Not a fan of rampant ferals, however a little devil's advocacy may be in order:

How many voting supporters of public lands are chiefly motivated by keeping it public to preserve/protect ferals?

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