PEAX Equipment

feral cat

Love it!! If it’s feral it’s in peril. They are #1 hit list for me in Oz. Would pass up shooting many species to take a feral cat out. Like Grizzly said, they are “field lions”. One property I hunt on, awards a 6 pack to any feral cat taken.
Say if you have a million or so feral cats in state, they will / must eat at least 3 animals per day. Now that‘s being pretty conservative = 3 million small critters per day being lost to a feral. That should NEVER be tolerated.
We call them "Field Lions"

'nuff said about what we do when we see them

PS. In her younger days, my yellow lab would chase them out of a crop row and grab them by the neck, crush it, then drop the cat and walk away with her head held high. I love that dog!

This was Callie, aka kitty cat killer... she never met a cat she liked. P1000751.JPG
We live a world where half appear to be offended by most everything and the other half are afraid of offending that half. I fit into neither.
If Randy deems anything inappropriate, he will delete.
Funny, I have killed dozens of feral cats (10+ on this place alone) over the years and never took a single photo, now wishing I had more to post.

How about I add in a young hunter to the mix?

Our neighbor is an older widow, cat lover and great lady, but absolutely loves and adores birds. She had a stray cat coming around and could never find who the owner was. She'd feed it and had become attached to the cat. One day the cat killed a beautiful male cardinal off a bird feeder right in front of her. She chased the cat off. Next day she dug a hole in her backyard. Put cat food in a tuna can by the hole. Then sat in her kitchen with the padio door cracked open. She'd have a smoke here and there. Finally she took a seat. Picked up her rusty old iron sighted single shot .22 and settled the sights and squeezed the trigger before the song bird serial killer could take a single bite of food out of the tuna can. The bird killer got pushed in the hole by the tip of the spade shovel that dug the hole, by a cat lover who understood that a tiger never changes its stripes.

Misguided cat lovers are truly blind to what the feral cat population is doing to songbird populations.

I missed a gimme on a feral about two years ago and it has stayed with me too long.. I'll take a meadowlark over a feral cat any day of the year.

This last November I was on my way home and my wife calls - "We got a visitor in the chicken coop". I thought it was another skunk, which isn't that unusual.. "A Bobcat"

"What??" We've never seen a bob around here, lots of foxes, skunks, occasionally hear a 'yote, but no bobcats. I got home a few minutes later and sure enough, a young bob was busy protecting a freshly killed hen in the coop. I didn't want to shoot it (it was lucky it wasn't a coyote), it was just a young cat trying to make it's way into a big new world with an early winter coming on. So I chased it out with a length of PVC pipe remarkably without any injury to myself (or the critter). Sure enough after running off into the coulee, it came back looking for the chicken. Even though we closed it up, it was bound and determined to get back into the coop and to it's chicken. This game went on most of the afternoon and then we got a call from one of our tenants - his dog got into it with a bobcat the previous night. And then I remembered a few night previous while driving home, I saw something at the edge of my headlights just around the corner from the house, but didn't think much of it at the time, but now it seemed we had a bobcat living in the 'hood.
So we called up the fish cops and a warden came by to set a good trap - with scent, a juicy dead duck and a wing hanging from a branch. I explained we didn't want to kill it and he agreed, assuring me with a wink that he had a good spot to release it up on the Missouri.. "We got a feral cat problem up there.."

And here I thought my wife killing #dateline post would create more controversy rather than this kind of pussy :rolleyes:

You guys talking about legal issues and stuff with shooting feral cats should think about the fact that they are an invasive species much like the pythons in Florida. I watched in my hometown over a five year period where the feral cat population boomed and all of a sudden the quail, pheasant, and turkey populations almost disappeared. Along with fellow trappers and hunters we began getting rid of the cats who have some natural predators but not many and as we did so the birds began to recover. Once the group of us who were doing that moved away or died off the bird populations were killed again. So just remember they are an invasive species.
We live a world where half appear to be offended by most everything and the other half are afraid of offending that half. I fit into neither.
If Randy deems anything inappropriate, he will delete.
Funny, I have killed dozens of feral cats (10+ on this place alone) over the years and never took a single photo, now wishing I had more to post.

How about I add in a young hunter to the mix?

Please re-read my post. I'm defending DIY hunting and the right to do so. If you want to stir the pot, go do it on Facebook and Instagram. Don't bring your "I do it because I can" tough-guy act on here. Go flex somewhere else.
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