Yeti GOBOX Collection

Female hunters or huntresses

IDfirelass, love it!

Memtla, Alaska/Africa. Hope you guys are able to scratch those off your bucket list before you hang it up

isu22andy. I have never hunted with a female who had a pink rifle or bow. I do know a fellow in Wyoming and his daughter has a purple stocked rifle :)

MT Gomer Dall Sheep/NWT :love::love:

Hunting Wife and Mtelkhuntress, my father and grandfather took me with them when they went to the Safari club Internation conventions and also local conventions and gun shows. Of course Eva and Brittany are always there, but so are several others. Although the name "Babes with Bullets" raised some eyebrows and created conversation, it might have also been a good marketing ploy as their booth was always busy, They teach both shooting and hunting, but more toward teaching females the ins and outs of a handgun, how to use it, etc. But also rifle, shotgun and hunting. Several clothing booths that make hunting clothing for women. The "high heel huntress" booth was also busy. "Ultimate Extreme Huntress" is definitely worth checking out. Both the preparation for and the hunt itself.

One of the ladies that would probably be appreciated by many here is Allie's "Artemis" Promoting the preservation and hunting of public lands throughout the U.S.

I ask April a while back about Turkey hunting because she has completed the Turkey Grand slam and she told me to contact Lorraine Lawerence and WOW, that girl has hunted a turkey or two.

I also ask April about hunting Namibia and she gave me several leads, one of them was Marina Lamprecht. She told me she has approx 75000 acres with a large variety of plains game, nice facilities, and that she started a home for orphans called "Hunters Home" and that a portion of money one pays to hunt her farm goes toward the orphanage.

Anyway, Hunting wife and mtelkhuntress, this is how I became aware of some of the ladies, I spoke of in my first post and in this one.

I want to thank everyone who responded

p.s. Panda Bear, sorry, thank you for the 358 info. As much a you love the 71, I was surprised that you didn't recommend the 88, but I will follow your advise and look for a Savage
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A hunter is a hunter is a hunter. Matters not to me..... age, race or gender. What matters is the ethics, respect and consideration the hunter possesses and exhibits.
I know lady hunters and they would be welcome to the campfire though I generally hunt alone once away from the fire.
I Hunt with a whole gaggle of girls.. (6 daughters) My 17 y/o is the real deal. She is seriously considering being a guide and then opening her own outfitting business or becoming a game warden. Pretty much everyone I know and hunt with will go out of their way to welcome ladies In to the outdoors and to help them Be successful.

Best I can tell there are two types of ladies getting in to the outdoors, some who understand what it’s truly about, the experience, being in the outdoors, the thrill of the Chase, public land, experiences with family/friends etc.. There’s a bunch more who just want more Instagram followers for pictures of them shooting a bow in a pair tight leggings or a fish covering their tits and will do anything to get some more “content”..
I know many women hunters that the only thing holding them back is that they have a little less desire and drive to hunt. I don't mean that as a bad thing just that they enjoy a casual hunt but they don't look forward to it as much as the average male.

The wife is usually involved with most of my hunts. Putting in work whether she has a tag or not. She doesn't get in the truck and go by herself but its quite common for her to be on her own for a day in the mountains. An example would be elk hunting last year we rode horses in a ways and dropped her off on foot an hour before daylight. She hiked to a peak to glass as the sun came up. 6 or 8 hours later I heard a gun shot. She had killed a 5pt a couple miles from where I had last seen her headlight bobbing into the dark morning air.
She wouldn't have drove by herself to the trail head and killed that bull without me being in the area but in reality I did nothing but add a false sense of confidence by being there.
There's nothing hunting related that she can't do. Its a matter of confidence vs caution.
Men and women are different its just reality. Women tend to be more cautious and less confident in the mountains by nature requiring more exposure to gain confidence. So many things can be overcome with confidence.
I haven't seen any difference in skill, grit or pain tolerance. Just like men some are weak some are tuff as nails.
Of course there will be a percentage of exceptions to every observation.

Lots of pink guns and bows for sale used if that tells ya anything lol .
We always joke that the amount of pink a woman is wearing in the field is directly related to how much she likes the "idea" of hunting.
I'm pretty picky about hunting partners in general. On the whole, I find women to be much more agreeable than men, so I would absolutely hunt with one if we got on well.
Best I can tell there are two types of ladies getting in to the outdoors, some who understand what it’s truly about, the experience, being in the outdoors, the thrill of the Chase, public land, experiences with family/friends etc.. There’s a bunch more who just want more Instagram followers for pictures of them shooting a bow in a pair tight leggings or a fish covering their tits and will do anything to get some more “content”..

Totally agree, those instgram ladies showing skin for followers... :rolleyes:
When my stepmom would out shoot us dove hunting or out fish us. She would always say "you're not holding your mouth right" :p
I believe that people are losing their understanding of where meat comes from. Just because they bought it at a grocery store doesn't mean it was never a live animal.

We also have situations, at least up here , where men leave their families and the sons and daughters want to hunt, fish, camp, so in one instance a group of 20 women got together and started the process, first for themselves and then for their children and now take their children out almost weekly throughout the year for hunting, fishing, scouting, camping trips. Only women and children in this group. this group of women do it all. Scout, hunt, fish, field dress, cook.

another group of women hunt and then share some of their bounty ( bear, caribou, moose ) with the homeless . Women hunting, the importance of reminding everyone ( the anti's ) that "animals" provide meat ( domestic and wild ) and that these women are not as barbaric as some would like to make them out to be.

Quackkillr, You must have wonderful "fathers day's" ---loved your post :)
I will not say who but yes there has been a couple of fellows on this forum who have harassed one of our female members

I certainly hope BigFin bounced their butts right off this forum!

How many here hunt with a female and how often ? Does it create a problem for you having a female in camp ? do you prefer to hunt alone or with men ? And since I am asking what do you wish we would do or not do, in camp, differently ? ( not in life and/or relationships, just in the hunting camp)

How many here hunt with a female and how often ? My oldest daughter joins in the camping, hiking, spotting and packing out parts of the hunting trips but doesn't shoot a gun or bow. When our youngest daughter heads to college my wife will be doing the same (she stays home for now while I hunt these days) - and she will hike/pack the butt off any guy I know. My oldest niece is a regular for SD pheasant hunting with us and is a good shot - a good chance she joins in our next WY 'lope hunt.

Does it create a problem for you having a female in camp? None - we are 50-something guys hunting with wives/daughters it's as natural as can be. (In my and my buddies' 20's with random girlfriends of the time, maybe not as simple.)

Do you prefer to hunt alone or with men ? I prefer to hunt with people I enjoy and who take the same approach to the experience as I do. Gender makes no difference to me. But in practice I have hunted and fished more with men/boys than women/girls - and I rarely hunt/fish alone. To me, camaraderie is one of the finest parts of hunting.
Best I can tell there are two types of ladies getting in to the outdoors, some who understand what it’s truly about, the experience, being in the outdoors, the thrill of the Chase, public land, experiences with family/friends etc.. There’s a bunch more who just want more Instagram followers for pictures of them shooting a bow in a pair tight leggings or a fish covering their tits and will do anything to get some more “content”..

Hell, I like both types. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Totally agree, those instgram ladies showing skin for followers... :rolleyes:
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Cameron Hanes ran the Moab 240 and he invented the humble brag. Leave him out of this!
I have hunted with my grandma, mom, wife, sister, daughter, and female friends. They have not hunted with me as much as male family/friends or solo, but it has ALWAYS been a richer experience when ladies hunt with us. I just wrote an article about it and wish we invited them more often.

I personally like a good mix of hunting alone and with family/friends. Each type of hunt has it pros and cons.

I have never run into any problems when ladies are in camp. Instead, the opposite has been true. Some of them like to get done up more than others, which I don't care one way or the other. It's certainly nothing like the egregious examples cited in this thread.
Totally agree, those instgram ladies showing skin for followers... :rolleyes:
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Yeah, but where’s the fish? 😂

I agree with just about everyone here. Some “hunters” are more worried about views than the sport. That isn’t gender specific, though I do think the proportion is higher among the females, at least right now. But I’m glad to see so many guys on here taking their daughters out and helping grow the ranks of seriously skilled female hunters.

@Quackillr, I hope your daughter pursues that dream.
@DouglasR I mean hanes' is fit no question about that but like I'm not sure that I want someone who takes that many selfies in my hunting camp, I mean we're here to hunt not look pretty and take photos. Plus I think having someone that cute in camp might distract the other guys and get their wives all riled up and I don't want drama in elk camp.

Plus if your showing your tits all over the internet... well you know what that means

I hunt with my wife and two daughters and have a great time with all of them. I will say my wife likes afternoon hunts best as she is not a fan of multiple days of getting at it at 0400. Some of my best memories have been with each of them.
Totally agree, those instgram ladies showing skin for followers... :rolleyes:
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Missing the point, drop any of those guys off in September on a mountain with a bow and they will put a bull on the ground.

When you meet a chick who’s shot 4 bulls over 300” in September and she don’t know how to blow a cow call and that wind is a factor in a set up or hunt with a industry sponsored waterfowl huntress who wants to pick up decoys 1 hr after sunrise and 20 birds shy of limits because “it’s cold” you realize that some these known “huntresses” might not be what they seem..

Ps.. you get those photos from your “favorites” ? Lol..
I will say my wife likes afternoon hunts best as she is not a fan of multiple days of getting at it at 0400.

i almost wonder if that's actually just smart. given the percentage of my animals that were killed in the evening i wonder why i even bother setting alarms while hunting anymore
Missing the point

Point is that men can post the same kinds of photos women do and are seen as "heros" in the industry while if women do that they are call "sluts". Literally typed Zac Griffith, Eric Chesser, and Cam Hanes into google and these were the first photos that came up.

Zacs has dozens of photos of his butt on instagram, imagine if Eva Shockey, Danielle Prewettm, or April Vokey did that... Prewett got a ton of crap a while back for posting a photo of her bird hunting in a crop top. I don't care what people choose to post but let's just be real about the fact that everyone's doing it but only women are getting crap for it.

Hunting private, going guided, and being pampered while claiming to hunt hard has nothing to do with gender... my transporter in AK this year has flown a number of TV personalities into POW for spring bears and he said it wasn't the women who were the drama queens. you met Joe Rogan?

Missing the point, drop any of those guys off in September on a mountain with a bow and they will put a bull on the ground.

When you meet a chick who’s shot 4 bulls over 300” in September and she don’t know how to blow a cow call and that wind is a factor in a set up or hunt with a industry sponsored waterfowl huntress who wants to pick up decoys 1 hr after sunrise and 20 birds shy of limits because “it’s cold” you realize that some these known “huntresses” might not be what they seem..

Ps.. you get those photos from your “favorites” ? Lol..

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