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Feet first-aid???

I get blisters also and put moleskin on before the socks but I still get them. Time for a better fitting boot. Anyhow, I just ordered from "The Sock Company" a pair of Blister Guard Military liners. I haven't tried them yet but supposely they were devolped for the military and contain teflon fibers to reduce/prevent the hot spots which cause the blisters. They are arounf $9 which is a lot for liners but if they can stop blisters then to me it.
Thanks for the tips fellas, but I'm thinking new boots may be in order. I just got back from WY helping mtmiller scout and get set up for his hunt and even with duct tape my left heel is hamburgered again. I'll check into those liner socks.
Hey Tyler...
Your feet look as good as mine did on the fires this last year...LOL...
I just didn't get any pics to show the beauty of trashed feet...
I Ended up just buying new boots...
I like to only wear one pair of cotton/polly socks, so I got the "Smoke Jumpers" by a company called "Hawthorn..
They are a little spendy, but are very good boots and I have had absolutly no problems with them at all...Let us know what you do and how they turn out.....
PEAX Trekking Poles

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