Favorite Sport, Team or Player ( More isolation conversation )

Helped Coach Little League baseball and my sons football teams from 4th-8th grade.

Served on schools athletic booster board

officiate HS track and a little bit of college track

Baylor Bears
Atlanta Braves
New Orleans Saints

I’m normally working big HS track meets right now. Awfully disappointed for the kids not being able to compete this spring.
I wouldn't say I'm a die hard sports guy but I do enjoy watching some stuff. There's moments in the sports world where the energy can be almost paralyzing even when watching it on TV. Some sports figures though the years just possess something extremely rare.

Tiger Woods in golf unparalleled amount of energy and influence.

Griffey Jr. Probably one of Baseballs smoothest and sweetest swings and swagger as a player.

Obviously the 90s Bulls teams, the Shaq and Kobe duo, there's many more in the game from legends to current superstars. Kawai and Steph Curry come to mind.

Football, Jerry Rice is all time for me but George Kittle is extremely fun to watch. And love him or hate him in his glory days Marshawn Lynch is an absolute freak.

Kinda all over the board but can't help to tip my hat to the greats of my time, even though there are many more.
Pretty obvious that my favorite sport is football and yes Da Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai.......derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs. Favorite player, I have three actually, Howie Long was and still is a class act, Charles Woodson embodied my favorite type of player a Michigan Wolverine (favorite college team) that goes on to player for the Raiders and lastly as a kid and even though he didn't get to the Raiders until later in his career, Lyle Alzado, one tough dude with a lot of heart.
I can relate---somewhat--but no "life flights" My most active activity now is playing the piano (-: But my son loved motocross . My daughter followed in her mothers footsteps with Rodeoing.

I enjoyed watching Nascar, but preferred amateur drag racing. Loved Rodeo ( barrel, cutting, roping )----played basketball but it was 6 girl basketball---

My husband coached girls softball and pop warner football

Professional players ---Husband---Rill Russel, Larry Bird. basketball and Dick Butkus, football. Myself. John Havlicek, David Robinson basketball. Bart Starr and Broadway Joe---football

ALL SPORTS----Sun Devils----especially when they beat Texas in a bowl game----sorry Harley, could not resist (-;

BuzzH. Do you think a female will ever play on a professional basketball team ? I sometimes think "maybe", but men are on average so much stronger. But then I remember Nate Archibald

Brittany----I wonder if our paths ever crossed ? We followed Rodeo all the way to Vegas some years even after I quit rodeoing

April, nice try but no cigar. NoHarley Yet and I both know who won that Bowl Game----The Longhorns ! But I know you wanted to see what we would say ;)

For me Texas Longhorn football and I also enjoy barrel racing.

Who is Bill Russel and Dick Butkus ? :devilish:
Sports have always been important to me. Home life wasn't great when I was a kid and heading to a field or gym was an escape where I was just like everyone else. I started with baseball and played until I was 13. I have some depth perception issues that made hitting very hard for me once the ball starting get around 75-80 mph.

I played some league basketball in elementary school (I am from IN after all) but never really cared for organized games.

Played hockey for a few years in elementary through high school. Loved the physicality of it but was not a very good skater.....I was the forward who hoped a puck ended up in a corner so I could dig in and hit someone.

Ran cross country while I was playing hockey for the conditioning. It was a good lesson in self discipline but only a means to an end.
In HS I ran track, starting with sprints and moving to the throws as I grew. I wan't great in either area( 11.0-100m, 49' shot 145 disc) but really loved it, especially the technical aspect of the throws. I lettered all 3 years that I went out for it. As an adult I have dabbled with throws occasionally having won the base championship in discus at Ft Lewis in the early 2000s and picking up silver in both shot and disc at the Rocky Mountain State Games in my age group a few years ago.

Also while I was in HS I got the chance to finally play football. As a kid I always loved watching football and playing pick up games but my mother wouldn't have it. She passed when I was a sophomore. As a junior I moved back to IN with my dad and signed up for football. I picked up line play pretty naturally and ended up starting at LT. I also taught myself to kick so I could score and get my name in the paper ;) The HS I played at was really rough and as one of only 2 white guys on the varsity team you might have thought that it would have been hard to integrate. The opposite was true. The football team became my family. It has been almost 35 years and I still talk to (and see when I am home) many of my teammates. Even though I was a good student, football and track in HS were probably the reasons I kept at my work in HS after my mom died. I got a couple of DIV III offers for football but had no way to pay my way and wasn't willing to go into deep debt to play football.

In college I played on all the intramural sports teams my fraternity fielded (football, soccer, volleyball, basketball, cycling) and had a great time. My fraternity also had a history of fielding folks for the campus boxing tournament. My freshman year I helped an upperclassman train and became interested. My sophomore year I was incredibly busy and didn't think too much about it but after watching the tournament again in the spring I decided to try it my Junior year. That summer I trained at the PAL Club in Indianapolis while I was home working. I found that I was a bit of a natural and that I still loved hitting people. My junior year I kept training all school year and ended up winning the Super Middleweight title for the university (good sized school with about 22,000). That was a good day :) The next year I trained/coached another brother to a win at Light Heavy. The highlight of sports for me.

While I will watch most sports, football is what I love. I will watch the NFL, but prefer college and LOVE Indiana HS football. NFL wise I have always been a Steeler fan. Although we got the Colts when I was in HS, and wish them well, I developed my thirst for football watching the Steel Curtain.

That also leads to my favorite player of all time.....Jack Lambert. What isn't to love? MAC product (I went to Ball State), undersized with an incredible motor, MEAN, and the presence to take over a game. Add to that the fact that after retirement he became a game warden in PA. One of my most prized possessions is an autographed football he signed the year he was inducted into the HOF. A gift from my MIL. :)

College wise I am a Nebraska and Indiana fan. Nebraska because of the old school Tom Osborne, run the option and beat people up days. Indiana because as a Hoosier you have 2 choices - IU or Purwho......as there are currently 4 IU degrees in my house (me grad school, wife UG and grad, son UG), with the boy working on the 5th, there is NO choice. Add to that the wife's Godson started 4 years as a TE....we bleed Cream and Crimson.

High school is all Indiana HS football. It is what I have know my entire life. From going to games as a little kid, to finally getting my shot to watching as a result. Friday nights in the fall are pure magic. Since I moved away the last time in 2000 I have continued to keep up with it online. I checked scores and watch highlights online every Friday night. I know the nuances of the teams and how they reflect the communities they come from and I can't wait for the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving for the state finals. :) I have gone to games here in CO both when my son played in HS and now that HP is part of the band at the same HS. I do enjoy it but the caliber of football is pretty sad and the manner in which the games are "administered" is pretty embarrassing. For example, noise makers are strictly forbidden and I have seen fans "warned" for cheering too loudly.....NOT swearing or the like, just being loud. It blew my mind the first time I heard about this. I could just imagine the outcome if you tried to quiet down folks in Hoosierland ;)

I coached my kids in soccer and baseball when they were very young but the wife wouldn't let me go past that. I am pretty competitive and it probably better that I wasn't in that role with them. Better to watch and cheer them on instead of "trying to get the most" out of them. In HS the boy played football and threw in track (He was academic all state his senior year) and now HP is on the color guard with the marching band. Neither one of them has ever been truly into sports (the wife played Volleyball, ran track and was a cheerleader in HS) like the wife and I were when we were their ages. That being said, they have enjoyed sports and are much better students than we were. I'll take that.

Sorry to be long winded.....it just kept coming out :)


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SFC B---nothing to apologize for. Excellent post, I enjoyed it. thank you for contributing to the thread.

The part about quieting folks down in Hossierland--------OR , at a Raiders game.

Touche Randi. I knew one of you would comment.

Cheyenne--you may be alone with Sled dog racing, but I bet others here have played pond hockey .

I am glad Boxing came up, -------did anyone else here enjoy Boxing AND the greatest heavyweight of all time was -----???
Favorite sport by far is hockey, but we also watch football. Had a roommate in college who introduced me to hockey. Despite living in NM, I learned to skate and joined a beer league. Prefer pro hockey as the college and international games don't have the same spirited physical altercations.

Favorite team is the Washington Capitals and favorite player is Alex Ovechkin. He was a lazy one-way player for a large part of his career, but he plays with great intensity. I'm glad he finally got his Cup win and his celebration(s) afterward were great. As for football, we're Jets fans.

Played everything except soccer growing up, but stopped in middle school. My brother broke his neck playing football, so that killed my interest there. Was never good enough to make the basketball team even though that was my favorite sport. Didn't care much for baseball.

My boy has played soccer off and on. He dabbled in football, but lost interest.

I made the mistake of coaching my son's soccer team a few seasons. I'll never do that again and generally discourage people from coaching, at least in our local soccer league. The lack of respect from the kids and parents, and it being a participation league make it an uphill battle I don't care to fight.
I like watching the Diamondbacks play when they're in town. I used to be a NASCAR junky but I've gotten away from that. The only one I really get excited for is rodeo, mostly the bucking bull and bronc event along with team roping
I’ve always have been obsessed with hunting and fishing my entire life..... I was a small kid through HS so I only dabbled here and there in sports. 2 years of sitting on the bench in hs basketball..... found out I really enjoy running, 2 years of that in hs was fun!
Loved joining the military my Junior year in HS, spent that summer at boot camp! Came back a stud for my senior year 😜.... after graduation I got shipped off for 3 months of AIT training too be a Tanker! Found my calling as a Tank driver and did very well at it, made it to be the LT’s full time driver and filled in for the captains driver from time to time.
As far as watching sports I like Track and NFL Football, Raiders fan since 86’ or so....
Other than that Hunting and Fishing with my family is my preferred activity.
While I grew up being obsessed with basketball, I made the switch after high school to drop it completely from my life. Not entirely sure why, other than I was never going to play competitively beyond high school (I didn't want to go to CC just to play hoops), and watching both college and the pro's is just lame anymore. It's just who can make the most 3s.

The only sport I really enjoy watching is Women's National Team Soccer. My daughter and I are pretty into it, it's also a lot less stressful to watch a team that basically always wins ;)

Other than that I listen to the Mariners. Hoping for another decade of listening to Rick Rizzs.
What is your favorite sport to watch---football, Baseball, Basketball, Track, soccer, volleyball , Rugby, Hockey, Golf , Tennis , --other---


you enjoy watching your favorite sport played at the College or Professional level, or both ?


Favorite team you follow or person if Golf, Tennis, ----

Self evident ;)

Did you play a sport in college ? And if so, what sport and position ?

Yes. Rugby - Played Prop.

Did/Do your sons, daughters or grandchildren play a sport ?

Football, basketball (boys and girls), lacrosse (boys and girls), soccer (girls), golf, volleyball (girls), gymnastics (girls), softball

Have you ever coached a little league or pop warner type team ?

Yup pre-school through middle school. Football and basketball (boys and girls)

ouch is right. Arizona was unable to beat Texas Tech, they had no chance at all against the Longhorns (-: These are the only two I know of, unless you guys are talking about something 20 to 50 years ago :)

I dont follow boxing but my dad said Ali to the boxing question
College Basketball is my favorite to watch, i also love listening to Bob Uecker call brewer games. I follow most teams based in Wisconsin.
My step daughter plays basketball, softball and volleyball (club and school)
My son plays football, baseball and basketball (school and aau)
My daughter runs track and cross country
I've coached baseball, basketball, flag and tackle football and youth co-ed slow pitch softball (reining league champs)IMG_20190805_123943_494.jpg
Love watching hockey.
Got to watch a Blackhawks game in Chicago when I was a teen and Bob Probert beat the hell out of some unlucky guy.
Played all through high school and then the thrill was gone.
My nephew who lives in Montana fell in love with the sport so I got that going for me in the future.
It’s football for me. My dad played when he was in college, coached me in high school, and I had a scholarship to play in college until I had a bad knee injury as a freshman and called it quits. I enjoy the NFL, but I much prefer watching college football, and honestly FCS football is my favorite. I went to MSU in Bozeman so I always enjoy watching the cats play, and the games are really fun in person too. Cat-Griz is the event of the year for our family, much more so than the Super Bowl.
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