PEAX Equipment

Favorite Shotgun for Turkeys

Mountain Boomer

New member
Dec 10, 2000
Tell me your favorite shotgun set up for turkeys.

I shoot a Remington 870 SPT in Mossy Oak colors. I have a .665 Remington choke and shoot 3" Winchester #5s. This is a simple set up but, very deadly and durable. I would like to buy a Browning Gold 3 1/2" in the future but for now the Remington does the job very well.
I have a remington 870 express, synthetic stock, all black, full choke, shoot 3inch winchester #4's.


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my turkey medicine Rem. 870 wingmaster ,full choke, 3" #4's that and some luck will do!

"in the Spring we Strut and in the Fall we Rut"
I use my 870 Remington. 30 inch barrel full choke. My son shot a tom at 49 paces.
I bought a mossberg 835 for my son, but I believe my 870 has a tighter pattern.
My 870 is 35 years old but never has failed me.
I am a Mossberg 835 user.

Use a hastings .675 and fed #6

FYI, The Mossberg turkey choke is .690 which will work better for #4's and # 5's .




Last year was my first turkey season and I also bought a Remington 11-87 12 gauge.I had a couple of birds talking with me but never got one in to view.I let you know if this is a good turkey set up if I ever get to shoot at one! HA! HA

PS: Not alot of birds around here,it may be a while before we find out!!!!
870 Supermag,3 1/2",advantage camo.Undertaker choke with #5s.Took down last years turkey at 48 steps.

Hunt hard and prosper.
Plain ole wood stocked Winchester 1300 12ga pump gun w/full choke, shooting 2 3/4 or 3" mag #6's. It shoots good and I don't worry about it when I'm dragging it on the ground, so to speak. SR


..."The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The man who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been"...
I have one of the new Remington "Turkey Special's" 3 1/2" magnum, mossy oak finish....and I like to run 2x4"s through it!
I am a Mossberg 835 Ulti-Mag user myself. The Ulti-Mag Turkey Choke Tube with Wincester Supreme 3 1/2" #5's is a deadly combination for any longbeard that dares venture within 50 yards of my setup........

Safe and Happy Hunting !
I shoot a plain wood stock 870 express that has been to hell and back. It has a 28" barrel with a .660 hastings, and likes federal premium 5's. I did shoot a mossberg ultimag one time, but will never make that mistake again.
I shoot an 870 Turkey Combo now days, the gun has been tuned up a shade or two by some good ole boys from Arkansas. I use the True Glo Choke. I load my own shells, 3 inch in #4's or #6's depending on the situation we are in at the time. This gun shoots very tight, easy to miss one if in you ain't rock steady. It puts an average of 20 #4s in the kill zone at 35 yards.
Alpine or PSE (I use a Muzzy 100 gr. 3 blade for shot).

I don't get alot of kick out of it.

Get Close & Shoot Straight
Mountain Boomer I have one but gonna use it for duck and geese hunting next year. It's really to darn pretty to take out to the swamp ya know.

Boomer what part Arkansas you nest in? Jonesboro is gettin darn crowded, moved the city limits half way to Monnett these days.
Duster, I dwell in Greenbrier but do all my hunting in Searcy County. I grew up on the Buffalo river. I just can't make myself hunt down here. I love it up there. I know what ya mean about being to darn pretty. I don't know if I could take it out and treat it like I do my 870.
This Spring will be my first foray into the woods for turkey and I'm debating between two different guns. Just need to see which one patterns best with 3" #4's... the Browning BPS Stalker, 12ga. w/ 28" bbl, or my Super Black Eagle, 12Ga. w/ 26" bbl. The SBE has a 3 1/2" chamber so it my get the nod based on that.