
Favorite archery vanes


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2010
Eastern Montana
Just wondering what everyone’s favorite vanes are for their arrows? I’ve been using 2” blazers for over a decade with pretty good success but thinking about trying something new for my next set of shafts I order. Maybe a stiffer vane.
You’re gonna be hard pressed to beat the Blazers. They’re great vanes. I keep hearing folks talk about how loud they are. All I know is that I’ve got a wall full of whitetail bucks that didn’t seem to notice. 🤷‍♂️
I’ve had good luck with the blazers, I think I’m gonna try using 3” bohning x vanes to see how well they do with the new Iron Will heads fly with them. If not I’m going back to the blazers and kudus.
What ever ones are on my arrows.

If it works it works for me and if it dont work, i go with something i know does work, done it with everything including my fishing stuff.
Went from Blazers to AAE Hybrid. I like them better, but the only difference I can tell is that they are quieter in the air.
I went from 3 fletch blazers to 4 fletch aae 2.6 hybrids. Can’t say I’ve noticed too much difference and may try the aae’s 3 fletch next
Wow I’m the only Tac vane guy.
They steer my broadheads are quiet and are 7fps faster out of my bow
Wow I’m the only Tac vane guy.
They steer my broadheads are quiet and are 7fps faster out of my bow
I have them on my arrows I just built but honestly I don't notice a difference between them and blazers. I haven't checked speed difference tho
Old school. 4 inch turkey feather. 3 fletch. Offset. The most accurate for broadheads I've found.
what blackbeard said. I tried 4 fletch aae max this year tinkering. they are a little more particular about glue and primer, but they stick like they were made on the arrow. fly great as well.
Been using Blazers for years, put in an order for the Easton Bully. I had hoped to try them out before spring turkey but I guess those things are on a sailboat from the far east.

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