
Favorite 100% copper bullets for 300 Win Mag handloads?

174HH shoot and kill well from my 300wm. Just a bone stock Weatherby Vanguard raffle rifle. Around 3100 fps with modest hand loads IIRC.
Lots of good recommendations and I’m sure everything I will say has been said.

I don’t reload so I have to go with factory ammo and I have no patience for small companies that are always back-ordered so I chose from the bigger manufacturers. Then got a box of 2-3 weights from each and test fired.

It was worth it and amazing what the results showed. Group sizes ranged from .7in to almost 4in!

My gun loved the Barnes 165s so I bought a case.
25 yrs ago I used the Barnes 180 XBT in the 300 WM. Over R22 and H4831. Went a long spell with 30-06(H4350) and 300 WSM (Hunter and R16) used Barnes 168 TTSX with both. My last cow elk I used the 300WM and Barnes 175 LRX over R23. I liked the 175 LRX better than the older 180 XBT. Hard to go wrong with any of them! Hammers are another great option. It may just be me, but I could not get the 175 nor 225 Hornady CX to shoot in my last 338WM, so I can't say about them.
Hi fellow Hunttalkers,
I am researching an ideal 100% copper bullet for elk hunting in my 300 Win Mag and seeing that Hammer, Barnes, and Nosler are quite popular. What copper bullet and bullet weight have you settled on for the men and women with 300 Win Mags for your elk hunt round? Also desiring a 100% copper bullet to be more wildlife-friendly and to avoid possibly sending lead fragments through the meat grinder.
I am shooting a Howa 1500 with 24" barrel and Howa factory muzzle brake.
If you're getting lead fragments in your meat grinder, my advice is to NOT shoot them in the a$$!
My Pronghorn this year was the first animal to fall to the hand loads my brother-in-law and I worked up for my 300 win mag. Was a 175 gr Barnes LRX in Nosler brass with Federal no215 primers with 75.5 grains of RL-26 seated at 3.47 COAL. Muzzle velocity of 3090 fps. Worked very well. Died in the same place I shot him. Split the heart in two. I really like the controlled expansion as that resulted in minimal meat loss but great lethality to organs.

I went to RS Magnum powder under the 175 LRX for about 3180 in the last 24" 300WM I had. Topped out at 87gr. Start out at 85gr or so.
I went with the Barnes 175 LRX for my 300 win mag. Best powder has been RL26 (at 75.5 gr with my 3-shot group at 100 yards being 0.4 MOA) followed closely by H1000.
Samuel just my luck I have a box of Barnes 175 LRX in shipping from Midway now and last week at the local Walmart they had 2lbs of H1000 in stock and I let two guys in the store have them as I wasn't thinking about this load, oh well back to looking
I use 180 grain Barnes TTSX. I developed decent loads with both H1000 and H4831. With all copper you can step down a weight class. Would have similar retained weights but get more velocity and flatter trajectory. It just depends what you are after. I’ve had success with Hornady GMX (old version of CX) in my 270. I haven’t tried the hammers.
Ramshot Magnum is "pretty much like" H1000 and some others. It seems to be easier to find than H1000