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Fat assed ATV riders busted

Hey Buzz, I am not a fat ass, and i would hike my ass off for an animal, but if i shoot and kill an animal and it is near enough for a drag to a designated trail i can use an ATV on i will get the ATV out of the back of my truck to do so, i consider myself a hunter, and just because my ATV sits in the back of my truck just incase i can use it to make the drag easier does not make me "fat assed" it may make me lazier than you but if it is legal why not do it

But good for you on turning in the people that do use theirs ilegally and i hope that they do get large fines and jail time for doing so, but asking that ATV made illegal for every aspect of hunting isn't going to help anything exept making prices for lisences and tags go up farther, you may be willing to pay triple the price, but unless i am going to be hunting out of state than i am not going to pay $90.00 for an elk tag, $60.00 for a deer tag and nearly $100.00 for a hunting ands fishing lisence, just because sopme people have a problem with any one and everyone you uses an ATV
Sounds like Buzz and Rockdog want to ban anything that doesn`t "effect" them, lets ban Smoking/Drinking/McDonalds/etc. why were at it lets "Ban" Motorized boats those fat assed lazy fishermen can walk around the lakes. Guess what someday YOU will get old and you just might need a tool [atv/boat/etc.] to help you do the things that you love, so those of you who think ban this, ban that, your just to young or to stupid to see it coming, "enforce the law" and quit talking about "banning" stuff just cause "you" don`t like or use them.

I am with you... let's ban the boats with Motors....

Why stop there? Let's ban horses too, those things can go damn near anywhere! I would also like to ban legs, I have lazy bastards that walk ridges and go down hills instead of straight up the hills and mountains, and they are screwing up my hunting. There isn't enough regulations, we should have a lot more laws, rules, ordinances, etc. Don't you think? Why enforce the ones we have, when we could have a bunch more? Nothing like a sterile, homogenized glass house to live in. Hell while we're at it, let's ban hunting and guns too. Shit, let's just become communists.

Better enjoy and appreciate what you have now, It's changing fast... That's not focused on the ATV riders either. I'll wager that in the not too distant future there will be no hunting on Government land because it's not in the "all natural" management plan. Give it another 40 to 50 years and see where the future of our hunting is. It's a terrible thought. Be careful what you wish for, your not the only one and they are piled up behind you!
Maybe banning idiots would be a good idea though. A mandatory IQ test prior to issuing a hunting license would maybe preclude the need for an ATV banning.

Game farms, ATVS, idiots, yeah baby! ...removing all the shit from this little hobby sure is appealing.
Ban them. Owners just cannot keep on the trails so take the priviliges away. Walk or stay home. If you cannot walk into an area to elk hunt you need to take up a new hobby. The way i look at it is this, If you cant walk into a hunting area you definitly cannot pack out an elk either. So if you HAVE to use an ATV to get into an area because your handicapped i bet you will take it off the trails illigally to retrieve the animal too. Sorry to those with bad Knees and legs and hearts but time to hunt something else if you cannot walk the mountains. The damamge done by these idiots is devistating to out sport. And like Greenhorn says, I too own ATV's (3 of them) and I am a fat ass but i sweat and hike for my elk. I seen no good elk hunting anywhere there is ATV's compared to where there is not ATV's.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-15-2003 08:14: Message edited by: schmalts ]</font>
All the ATV fatasses claim they never go off the roads or trails, then about five minutes later when they're telling about the deer they shot most of them say, "Yup, and we could drive the 4 wheeler right up to him and load him on!"
cjcj, you talk a good line about "narrow minded" and people "being too young to realize"...yeah, whatever clown.

You cry because you have a disability, how about you suck it up and deal with it whiney tit.

Heres a picture of my Grandfather at 79 years old with the last elk he killed. You know what, he didnt ask for special priveleges...ATV's or horses or any god-damned sympathy from anyone. He sucked it up, struggled to reach decent areas, and in the process out-hunted and killed more game in his 70's and 80's than most fat-assed ATV riders ever dreamed of finding. Oh, and in his younger days, there wasnt any critters that were safe anywhere in the state of Montana.

Heres the picture of his last elk:


I'll never forget that even at age 79 when he killed the above elk, and it damn near killed him to hike 2-3 miles a day, he never felt cheated, nor felt like he was owed anything because he was old. He lived by a set of ethics and he never would have degraded the sport of hunting to make things easier for himself. I guess maybe its a Montana thing, you wimpy AZ bastards should take your note pads and pens out for a few lessons.

I find it amusing that an old man at 79 had more drive, ambition, and intenstinal fortitude than some of the sorry assed individuals who post on this board...for Christ sake, strap on a pair and quit bitching.
Idaho Fish and Game restricted ATV's in a handfull of units this year, not allowing them to be used for "hunting". My guess is that they will seek to increase the areas for next year, and they will get comments from myself, again, encouraging the ban.

CJ, I can see the big picture, and it does not have an ATV and a gun. I know you worry about the aged and infirm, and their ability to hunt Elk, but I can tell you from my point of view, I have a limited Elk career.

Teens to early 20's, didn't have a clue, just stumbled around, looking for areas, animals, and a way to get them.

Mid 20s to 40, prime years for Elk hunting, gotta give it everything, as the body was not designed to hunt Elk indefinitely.

40-60 will be my horse years, when I will have to rely on a horse for assistance.

60 and beyond.... I am sure I will still be going, but my guess is I will spend time cooking in camp, drinking beer, and telling stories. I really won't need to have an ATV, and pretend like I am an Elk hunter.

But, there will be other game, that I can hunt besides Elk, when I get to 60. There will be white tails, and birds, ducks and geese, and kids and grandkids and other rewarding activities.

You see CJ, I really can see the big picture, and there is no need for an ATV to go Elk hunting. (And I own ATVs, but I don't hunt with them, I just use them for moving cattle.)
When I feel it's too much trouble to walk when I'm hunting and fishing I guess I'll give up and start fishing from shore or a boat. I'm 100% convinced every hunter would be better off if ATVs were banned during hunting season. I'm 100% convinced the environmental damage won't be limited enough until all ATVs are restricted to maintained roads or trails. Even then there will always be riders who get off the trails, but I hope the number will be limited by severe penalties. ATVs could have been a good thing but I guess it's just human nature to try to get an advantage over everyone else and that's where the abuses start. Anyone who can't retreive their game without an ATV ought to give up hunting. Truly handicapped hunters should be the only exception.
Your Grandpa came from a time in Montana that has long since passed. We have many men like that here, but it's a dying breed I'm sorry to say.

I don't believe in using ATV's either, I just don't bitch about it. You said to quit bitching, HEY you are the one that started the thread Buzz. As far as Montana, if the East side of the State catches up with the West, it will be known as the "Latte or Wanna Be Hippy State". California is getting bigger all the time. Last time I heard they were changing the name of Missoula to Liberalville, Kalisbell to Granola Town, and the Flathead area to simply Billioniare.
Troy, theres a big difference between my original post and the bitching that cj and a few others do.

I dont just bitch, I act, thats why 2 guys are scraping up money to pay fines...

Also, my bitching is to improve the sport for everyone, not degrade it so I can ride my ATV all over that place.

Dont you find it strange that every time an ATV topic comes up, the same people defend their use, despite the fact that in this case illegal riding was taking place? They were BREAKING THE LAW, perhaps I should have just let it slide?

Go back and read the posts, CJ was the one to bitch that myself and a few others were, "showing no concern for the handicapped" HUH? He must have a reading handicap.

The only true "dying breed" I see is hunters that arent afraid to get out of a pickup or off an ATV to hunt...

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-15-2003 23:26: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>
First of all Buzzboy, just by looking at your little "sawed off" punk ass ,i`d say it would take me less than 2 minutes to stomp the life out of you, but that is beside the point here.when have i ever asked for "sympathy" [NEVER]! I don`t even have an ATV and i kill plenty of shit scouting and glassing from my truck, youre the one "whining about ATV`s [not me] did you help Grandpa or like the little "bad ass" that you think you are did you make poor gramp drag that elk by himself! Buzz you are so full of shit i can smell it all the way down here, face it son you have "some" smarts but no experiance at lifes lessons, the good thing is you have plenty of time to learn so pay close attention BOY! some day you may actualy become a MAN!
CJ, didnt you say this?

"Guess what someday YOU will get old and you just might need a tool [atv/boat/etc.] to help you do the things that you love, so those of you who think ban this, ban that, your just to young or to stupid to see it coming,"

I dont think, no, let me rephrase, I KNOW I'll never be a selfish old dried up fart like you when I get old. I wont be "needing an atv/boat/etc." to help me compensate for my age or my "bad knees" or whatever the hell is wrong with you.

What a mental midget, "I can stomp the life out of you"...must have taken you all night to come up with that.

You related to Pug Doykin? When you lose the debate, resort to kickin' ass...just like Pug.

I have to admit, you have me running scared...

Come on CJ, gimme a kiss big fella...I like it rough
You kow i made some comments about useing an ATV to help the drag be easier, but i do hike in to kill my animal, i also figure if i stay in relativly good shape i will do this in to my 60s and 70s, but know some assistance will be needed, from either my kids or grandkids, to help with a drag and such, riding an ATV while hunting isn't going to help you do anything but scare the animals away

CJ, no offense but your i am older and so much smarter than everybody else kick is annoying, You are bitching that buzz is bitching about ATVs being used illegally, well, since your first visit to HuntTalk i have seen alot of comments from you bitching about illegal aliens, whats the difference they are both illegal you should be in full support of Buzz not fighting against him if you are so anti illegal

Buzz, i do beleive that you will never use a "tool" to help you hunting and i hope that i can keep the same way when i get older, as long as there is someone young enough to help me with "MAN POWER" I THINK I WILL DO JUST FINE BUT I STILL LOVE RIDING MY atv

god damn caps
CJ, get it through your thick skull, I wont ever use an ATV for hunting because of my age or because of a handicap, I just wont. I dont expect the bar to lowered to suit me and my inability to deal with what it takes to hunt successfully. You either cut it or you dont...if you cant tough luck.

I'll take up fishing full time or golf or watch TV before I resort to atv hunting...just the way I am.

My "life lessons" have taught me that most people (healthy or handicapped) are capable of a hell of lot more than they think they are.
"My "life lessons" have taught me that most people (healthy or handicapped) are capable of a hell of lot more than they think they are."

I have to agree with Buzz on that one. I am 50, have been through some major ordeals and hardcore military training, and people are capable of a lot more than they think they are. I am also overweight, due to a combination of thyroid deficiency, long hours and a job driving a desk and have arthritic knees worsened by abusing them when I was younger...but I walk on my hunts. I ask for no sympathy and it may take me longer, but by God I will get to the top of the hill and beyond if I have to, and I will pack out my game. I've slept outside before (
) and will do so again, packing out meat in more than a couple of trips. It is all mental determination. I do have sympathy for those who are physically incapable due to disease or accident, however.

I don't own an ATV, but will probably buy one or two in the future - for sport riding with my son on approved trails in the desert when he gets older.
Yes i did make that statment about "tools" ATV and such, and you got me pissed enough to want to "clock" your ass, and for that i apologize, it was a cheep shot on my part, so once again i am sorry. Think about how arrogant you sound when you say you will never need those tools, or "any" help to get around. can "you" predict youre own future? i have been in tip-top shape "most" of my life, but things can change on you and you can only "control" certain things. By they way i "never" lie! but that doesn`t mean i don`t make a mistake every now and then. but it is "my" opinion that some of lifes lessons are "learned" over time. and i guarantee that as you get older you will understand that. when i was in my 20`s i didn`t give a rat`s ass about the handicapped [that was selfish] and now you call me [selfish] because i do care about them. i don`t even "really" consider my self "handicapped" yet. i have a picture of a guy we took out for Bull elk and he killed it whille sitting in a blind on a quad, this guy had "no" other way to get to our prescouted area without it, this guy was so happy for us "helping" him out, he said he felt like "dancing" except his legs don`t work. why would anyone want to "deny" him his once in a lifetime chance?
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