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'Fahrenheit 9/11' Earns $21.8 Million in Three Days

"Hey Hangar,

In the interest of supporting Higher Education in Idaho, I'll fund you the $6 for the Matinee out at Edwards. That way you won't have to worry about your money funding Moore, and then you will be able to have a discussion about something you have seen."

ROFLMAO, Michael Moore-------the liberal's view of Higher Education !!!!!
BRB I gota go puke.

How do you know it is a "trash flick" if you haven't seen it? You must have taken somebody's comments and "blended" them with your bias.

YOu might be right about the "ranting of idiots before the camera" as there is quite a bit of footage of Ashcroft, Wolfowitz and Cheney.

If you were to see the movie, you would see that he takes shots at the Democrats, Tom Daschle, the publisher of Mr. Hitchens commentary above, the Media (NBC, CBS, ABC, and Faux Network).

I don't know that I would suggest you go see the movie to agree with it, but I would encourage you to go see the movie so you can discuss it. It would be far more fun to have a debate with somebody that has seen the movie and disagrees with it, than somebody who listens to Rush.

Hey Hangar,
YOU are now worried about air pollution??? Will that carry over to this Winter in Yellowstone???

You should go see the movie just for the soundtrack. Some awesome tunes.

And by the way, Bowling for Columbine is better on DVD, as you get all the "Extras". I think there is likely a BlockBuster or Hollywood Video within biking distance for you....
Gunner YOU know damn well that Michael Morons intent was to trash Bush and the war! Why would you even question the intent of the movie? Absolutly he has the right to make this "slanted trash" and i`m sure its full of facts! But What about the "FACTS" that he "left out" such as Bill Clintons speach about we must get Saddam Hussain out of power! because as Bill Clinton said Saddam is A major "terrorist threat" and will/has/or is making WMD`S. Have you seen that speach? How about the FACT that John Kerry and Hillary Clinton both voted to go to war? thats the problem with his "trash movie" it is all one sided! and if he was really serious about his "anti-war" position, he should have included his liberal friends also! why give them a pass? For myself i won`t give Mr. Moron any of my money. if he was willing to tell the "Whole Story" i might. I`m not supporting G.W. Bush here, just telling it like it is. C.J.
Let me see if I have this right.
We shouldn't use a blanket statment (all his film's are crap)covering Michael Moore's flim's judging on his past ranting's and political view's and the company he keep's?

But we can use blanket statment's to cover all of other group's we don't like (welfare rancher's,fat assed ATV rider's)based on there politcal view's and what some of them do even if we havent seen ALL of them doing wrong????

You can critique all of them because you've seen ALL of them...right?
Or, are you just guessing?
Have you seen ANY of Moore's films? Did you ever see his TV show? Have you read ANY of his books?

I just love to see the closed minds of many. And the funny thing is, the more closed someone's mind is, it seems like the more the support Dubya.

I tune in to Rush, Hannity, and watch Faux News. Nothing wrong with hearing both sides of the arguments, and those guys are good sources for the wrong side. I also read editorials in the Statesman that I don't agree with.

Funny how the closed minds of others work... or don't work.....
If you read this thread objectively you'll find one poster who actually saw the movie and a bunch of other's who haven't seen it, don't want to see it, will never see it, but claim to know all about it------even though it's real obvious they don't even know who is in it. Kinda funny watching them try to debate something they don't know anything about! :D Not that debating something the participants don't know anything about has ever stopped anyone around here before. :D

When I can rent it for a dollar I might get it----if I'm really hard up for something to watch. I don't care for Michael Moore.
Let me start by saying I haven't seen the movie but will just to see what the other side is talking about.
Rush and Hannity make no bones about the fact that they have an agenda. Michael Moore first tried to say his movie is based only of facts. I can dig up the quotes if you like.

Now He says it is his op ed piece. Anyone can edit a film to make anyone look good or bad. If you look at the full sequence of the President telling everyone to watch this drive he wasn't talking about Al Qaeda like Moore insinuates but about a terrorist attack on in Israel. There are many other edited items that were taken out of context. So to blindly believe what Micheal Moore spouts is stupid.


[ 06-30-2004, 10:48: Message edited by: Nemont ]
I agree with Ithaca - when it costs a buck to rent it, I'll watch it. Otherwise, I am not going to enrichen Moore by paying to see his phoney "documentary." (Isn't that what he "won" his Oscar for with "Bowling.." ?)

Do I have to have actually tasted crap, to know that I don't want to eat it? I can't rely upon my other senses - smell, sight, texture, reason? I guess I'm just not "objective" that way. :rolleyes:
Elkgummer ,
You take the cake buddy , accusing people of not being "objective" or "closed minded" and all of this with Micheal Moore's left nut in your mouth !
There is nothing objective or open minded about any of your posts . You bend over and grab your ankles for any left leaning , Bush hating , pinko commi , anti-American Micheal Moore types .
This movie is not a documentary , it is at best an entertaining hit piece on our president and should not be taken seriously. Attacking the president at a time of war is by no means a noble endeaver .
Making political decisions by watching a Micheal Moore film is like studying oceanography by watching Spongebob Squarepants .
Quote: Making political decisions by watching a Micheal Moore film is like studying oceanography by watching Spongebob Squarepants.

LMAO!!! :D :D :D Can I use that for a signature line from now on? That is GREAT!!!
Buzz, no i haven`t seen this movie, but i have seen "bowling for columbine" and i knew it was anti-gun before i saw it! I have read Mike Moron`s Playboy interview and he states flat out that he is out to get G.W.Bush! anyone want to dispute that is his "intent" I have also seen/heard many revues of this movie, and also clips and interviews with Mr. Moore. Are you saying that from all of the "exposure"
that this film has had i can`t get an idea of what it`s about? I don`t see anything wrong with my response to Gunners post. If i go to see the movie will that make a differance? Why don`t you challenge me on my facts [clintons speach,hillary/kerrys vote etc.] what i said is true and thats what my post was about!
"Oh look, Warren! Now that the film has opened, you can help financially support that arrogant fat pig who reviles everything you love by paying $7 of your hard-earned money so he can make more fun of you and what is important to you!!!" :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear that the Dubya economy has hit you so hard, that you don't have $7 to pay. I already told you that I would cover $6 of it for you, so now you only are on the hook for a $1.
EG - I do not know why it is so hard for you to understand that I do not want to financially support Michael Moore. What he does or does not say is no more important to me than what shoe size you wear. If I could see the movie for free, that is fine. But I do not even want you to pay for me to go, because that would be supporting him and his form of dishonesty and hypocrisy.

Can't you get that? Whether you want to consider me open or closed minded does not matter to me, either. :cool:
Hey Cali,

Go buy a ticket to the Garfield Movie, and then sneak into the 9/11 theater. That way the theater owner gets his $7, that big cat gets credit, and you get to form an intelligent opinion.... :D

Seems to solve the problems...