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Expired Bear Spray (video)

Dec 15, 2016
Well as you all know, bear season is about to get underway. I often hunt in areas with grizzlies. I was wondering how effective expired bear spray would be. I had an extra can that was expired by about 7 years. I made a quick video. Still worked pretty well 🙂.

It’s a problem with the propellant use, it’s can loose the reach. Pepper spray that’s used on humans has to be replaced every so often as well.
I have found on a couple occasions that even tiny amounts of expired bear spray still packs a punch. Simply cannot imagine actually getting full sprayed in the face with it.
It is a brown-reddish-yellow color erupting into a cone of spray, that from 3’ away, feels like sandpaper hitting your face at terminal velocity.. It takes about 2 seconds of “oh shit” until you feel the burn setting in. Water relieves it only whilst the water is touching your face. Wind+water=the initial spray again.. any clothes even after washing, itch and leave your skin irritated.

Take it from me, it sucks ass.
Well after I sprayed that can I went and took a piss. Some of the oils were on my hands. It burnt for over a day down there😬🤣.
We face a similar problem too when eating spicy boiled crawfish and drinking cold beer down south

should have found a volunteer to test the potency, lol, would have plenty of views then too