
Expert or amature what are you?


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
I have to ask this question, cause Ive been reading alot of posts in here and alot of guys think other guys are experts and some think they are amatures..
I like the veteran word better that Jet used....

so what makes someone an expert at coyote hunting? is it 10 coyotes 30 coyotes 300 coyotes what is it?...

The way I see it your all about the same.... with some time difference in the field making you not neccassarily better but more experianced...

And jet is 100% right some of you guys are really thinned skinned and need to lighten up a tad.....

I know guys that blow on a call and it sounds like marylin manson playing a kazoo. but the guy kills lots of yotes. And I know guys that blow on a call and it sounds just like a tape or a video I have seen but yet get nothing to come it...

Also relize that the area you are calling in makes a big difference to what a coyote will responde to... down at the lake I can yell penutbutter and jelly sandwhich and the coyotes come running but then there are places here in AZ that you have to bribe them with calls....

And since I didnt get drawn for any big game again this year ;( I plan on doing lots of killing, so if any of you AZ boys want to tag along give me a call(on the phone) or shoot me an email... Alot of my calling and killing will be from a bass boat so your will need to bring your fishing licence, along with your rifles and or bows... I am planning on perfecting my bow to coyote ratio this year since my daughter has a bow but not enough to kill a deer with(yet) and needs the practice.... I figure if I get 2 yotes with a bow out of a hundred called in I did good.... Which brings me to my next post...


I am not even a veteran, I can barely lay claim to the title novice.

I don't think for me this has been so much a matter of thin skin but of salting wounds.

If number of kills is an important criteria for status as "experienced" I may not ever be.

Maybe we could make this a sticky... so new guys don't mistake those of us who don't know squat, with those who do.

Ok this was edited in by me Delw
this was a tounge and cheak joke... dont take things so serious......

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Maybe we could make this a sticky... so new guys don't mistake those of us who don't know squat, with those who do.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey not a bad idea... like a note when the new guys register...
Something like this:

To all you Newguys:

We know you want to come and show how good you are so before you post how good you, Please post all the how good you are topics in one week time so we can read and understand all the (cought) bullshit er I mean experiance you have. this way us oldtimers will have plenty of time to absorbe you knowledge and make ourselfs as invincible and knowledgeable as you....

Thank your for becoming a member of hunttalk and dont come crying when when you need help.

I don't think number of kills has anything to do at all with a hunters abilities.Hell,if I killed everything I've seen while hunting,I'd be poor from buying ammo.

I think a veteran is someone with years of experience at doing a particular thing,whether they are good at it or not.
There ain't no experts,we are all amateurs,some of us are just veteran amateurs

Lest we forget,it's all about being outdoors and having fun.When I get out in the big piney woods,it puts me in my place,and reminds me of just how small a cog I am in the scheme of things.
Hello all, hay Sly I got this computer back and it works. Well I am new to this bord (dont send me your intro) I ges I am an amatured veteran. I have hunted coyots for 31 years. Even in southern AZ it was hard to by calls so I started making my own. I have sent calls to 3 continents and have a good time talking to the folks that use them. on numbers. I have no clue. I have killed in the range of 100+ a year down to 5 in the erly years. Now I guide a lot for frends kids and brother ( new to dog hunting )I still kill and photo. I have been blesed with hunting with vary acomplished varmit hunters such as Rich and Tyler Higgens and in Nov. I will hunt with Sly Dog. I am shure that will be a week to remimber. Well my 2 cents
Kevin Maker of K-Kalls
HAHA...I'm an EXPERT killing groundhogs with a cresent wrench
that story is posted somewhere in the misfit forum
"To all you Newguys:

We know you want to come and show how good you are so before you post how good you, Please post all the how good you are topics in one week time so we can read and understand all the (cought) bullshit er I mean experiance you have. this way us oldtimers will have plenty of time to absorbe you knowledge and make ourselfs as invincible and knowledgeable as you....

Thank your for becoming a member of hunttalk and dont come crying when when you need help."
A most gracious welcome from the administrator. It will certainly encourage all of us newguys to share our (cough) bullshit with you. adios

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-17-2003 20:23: Message edited by: Rich Higgins ]</font>
Is it the number of Coyotes one kills that makes them the Expert, or the method? Or both?

I have killed 4 with the front bumper of the Ford. What does that make me?
You guys are running off members faster than I can round them back up, with your crap and thats what it is, plain and simple crap and after you say it and piss off some one you come up with "it was a joke" to offer up like you are a comic or worse yet like you are better than the people you insult. What is this, has someone called in a favor and are you trying to derail this forum?

With comments like this {boy you guys just cant take a joke can ya....} after you have insulted and or pissed everyone here off where will you go next to try to strike up a arguement? Just so you know DelW, frankly I don't give a chit who you are or who you think you are, Your ass ain't funny and you need to go fishing. This board won't miss you or your sarcasum. Oyes and I'm just joking

Salmon Gunner,that makes you a really bad driver and a menace to the state highways.It also makes for one nasty front bumper.

I'd really like to see pics of you doing that to an Elk,I'll bet it would be twice as cool,and a whole lot more messy.
Kenetrek Boots

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