Excersizes for a wimpy arm


Senior Thread Mover
Nov 28, 2001
Chandler, Az
Hi folks. I just bought a very nice used bow from our pal Joe C! I've been wanting to hunt archery for years, but couldn't see spending the major $$ for a starter bow.

Here's my question. My wimpy @ss arms can't draw 60 lbs! :eek: Can anybody recommend what type of exercize specifically for draw pull ie weights, etc? This wuss would sure appreciate it! :eek:
I would recommend cranking this bow down to lowest (safest) draw weight and work your way up. If this is not an option, I think Cabelas has a rubberband type drawing system to stay in shape.

Bow exercize
Thanks Mtmiller! Like I said, I'm new to this stick flinging thing, so I have to learn all I can about adjusting draw weight and everything else that has to do with this sport! I love learning something new about hunting!!!
To shoot a bow you integrate both pushing and pulling muscles. So any type of pushing excersises; Pushups, tricept extentions, benchpress etc. For pulling movements do upright rows, bent over dumbell laterals pull ups too.
The Bowfit that mtmiller posted a link to works great. When I first got into archery I could barely shoot my bow three times at 60 pounds. After using that thing for about two minutes a night I had my bow cranked up to about 65 pounds and I can easily shoot that now and might even consider cranking it up to around 67-68 by the time archery season rolls around. Best of luck with whatever you decide but definately check out the Bowfit!
I just got back from the local archery shop and got it turned down to 53lbs. It feels good! At least it's a good place to start. I'm adding a whisker biscuit, adjusting the peep site and getting her tuned. The guy there said that my bow is in really good shape and I can't wait to start practicing!

Thanks for the advice and I'm sure I'll be back for more. I can't wait for Bow Season!!
Just start shooting that sucker and you will be cranking it up in no time.
Congrats on the bow and welcome to the fraternal order of bowhunters. ;)
when my son decided he wanted to learn to shoot a bow i got him a PSE spyder. he could almost draw it but couldnt quite do it. we set the bow at its lowest safe adjustment and he just kept trying until he could draw it every time. not being a serious bow hunter i thought just get the weight up as quickly as he can hanle it.soon we had him drawing 40 pounds which is legal to hunt with in florida but he couldnt shoot it accuratelly.I got some education myself and we took the bow back down to 30 pounds and he learned to shoot with proper form and not shoots accuratlly but isnt back up to legal shooting weight yet.together we learned that it is more important to shoot properlly than to have a lot of weight as you cant kill anything until you can hit it. keep your bow at 53 pounds and shoot it as often as possible CORRECTLLY and soon your muscles will strengthen enough to raise the weight. i could be wrong but i think 55 pounds is enough to shoot deer sized game in any stsate in the country so you dont have to far to go. i agree with black timber just start shooting.
What I did with my son Justin was got him a old bicycle tube to exercise with. I had him hold one end like he was going to hold his bow and pull back on the tube in a drawing motion. It worked for him. I'm glad the bow worked John :cool:

Joe C
Thanks Joe! I'm just tickled that I can pull 53lbs and I should get the bow from Archery Headquarters tomorrow all tuned and ready to go! Look out critters, here I come! :D

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