Everything but Hunttalk

I asked the admin to get off this shit train with no reply. So, I guess until Randy can harvest a mountain goat in under 10 shots or delete me I guess y'all are stuck with me. I'll stick up for the new guys and bash the hater "well-known member"'s.
San Juan would be a great addition to deer/elk camp. Looks to be an an expert at stirring pots and throwing gas on fires.
I'll be honest, I care less and less about HT as time goes by. But it's not because of the platform, content, or people, I just find I align more and more with MR's Hunt Quietly, except sorta more, Live Quietly. So I feel like sharing less and less, except as Snowy pointed out, I do send txts to a few peeps. The partisan politics also really turn me off.

I'll check back when I get a new story or two, something to make someone laugh a bit, we do have the John Day coming up, and everyone but me has ditched the canoes for rafts. River if currently at a moderate flood stage. #canoeorbust #vikingburial #anyoneknowagooddivorcelawyer?
A non-hunting website I drop in on a few times a week has these rules (I've tweaked slightly) for their comment section. I think these would serve us pretty well on Hunt Talk.

  • No discussion of politics or religion
  • No feeding of the trolls
  • Leave the bigotry and gender hatred at the door
  • Keep the bad language to a minimum
  • No pictures or links that could get someone fired, or in serious trouble with their employer or the FBI
  • While navigating a thread, before getting made, just assume it’s sarcasm
  • If you can’t disagree in a civil manner, feel free to go away; better yet, please go away and stay away
A non-hunting website I drop in on a few times a week has these rules (I've tweaked slightly) for their comment section. I think these would serve us pretty well on Hunt Talk.

  • No discussion of politics or religion
  • No feeding of the trolls
  • Leave the bigotry and gender hatred at the door
  • Keep the bad language to a minimum
  • No pictures or links that could get someone fired, or in serious trouble with their employer or the FBI
  • While navigating a thread, before getting made, just assume it’s sarcasm
  • If you can’t disagree in a civil manner, feel free to go away; better yet, please go away and stay away
#1 would make it difficult to discuss here the political nature of public lands, conservation, access and policy. Otherwise, it is a well-considered list.
#1 would make it difficult to discuss here the political nature of public lands, conservation, access and policy. Otherwise, it is a well-considered list.
I think it more means that someone could discuss an issue without saying “libtard” “sleepy joe” “fascists” “orange man” etc. that’s when the threads start devolving. See: student loan thread.
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I'll be honest, I care less and less about HT as time goes by. But it's not because of the platform, content, or people, I just find I align more and more with MR's Hunt Quietly, except sorta more, Live Quietly. So I feel like sharing less and less, except as Snowy pointed out, I do send txts to a few peeps. The partisan politics also really turn me off.

I'll check back when I get a new story or two, something to make someone laugh a bit, we do have the John Day coming up, and everyone but me has ditched the canoes for rafts. River if currently at a moderate flood stage. #canoeorbust #vikingburial #anyoneknowagooddivorcelawyer?
This resonates with me.

I feel like a hypocrite sometimes, because I love a good hunt story, but I just can't bring myself to post my own online in any detail. I have a few things I really enjoy, both locally and out west, that could be significantly marred with a little extra pressure. And part of me also thinks it's just ok sometimes to take something in, and keep it for myself. If I see someone who's putting in the effort on their own I don't mind helping a bit, and I don't mind helping with general tactics and principles ( not that I have so much knowledge to share) but the internet just makes me pretty cautious.

I really like the Live Quietly line. It's a rare virtue in todays world.
I'll be honest, I care less and less about HT as time goes by. But it's not because of the platform, content, or people, I just find I align more and more with MR's Hunt Quietly, except sorta more, Live Quietly. So I feel like sharing less and less, except as Snowy pointed out, I do send txts to a few peeps. The partisan politics also really turn me off.

I'll check back when I get a new story or two, something to make someone laugh a bit, we do have the John Day coming up, and everyone but me has ditched the canoes for rafts. River if currently at a moderate flood stage. #canoeorbust #vikingburial #anyoneknowagooddivorcelawyer?
I will say, though, you f-kers are funny. Which is a real draw, way more than the rest of it.
I joined because I learned a ton from others' hunting stories, and I enjoy contributing my own. Otherwise I wouldn't write anything down, which would be dumb because I enjoy writing. As others have stated, the ability to stay in touch with policy and legislation is unmatched.

I will say, I came close to going cold turkey on HT this past winter....it felt like the content and conversations got especially worthless and petty, but maybe my perception was just skewed by my own mood.
That one had all of the markings of a Rokslider, 24 Hour/MM guy etc coming over for a little self emulation to earn some adulation from his online buddies.

It’s super lame to see adults doing that, but it looks just as silly when HT members go over to 24 Hour Campfire/Rokslide and do the same thing and then come back here to brag about it to be honest.
I was just thinking about signing up at Rokslide and just for fun asking where I could find a 180 inch mule deer on the Custer.
I was just thinking about signing up at Rokslide and just for fun asking where I could find a 180 inch mule deer on the Custer.
Depending on which mod handles it, you'd either get banned or get your thread locked.

It's been like a breath of fresh air over there this app season!
I asked the admin to get off this shit train with no reply. So, I guess until Randy can harvest a mountain goat in under 10 shots or delete me I guess y'all are stuck with me. I'll stick up for the new guys and bash the hater "well-known member"'s.
Ask again. I was off for a while after an email issue as I didn't want any "Greenhorn" pics showing up, and then reclaimed my original screen name after a month.

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