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Everyone One On This Damn Forum……

I got to meet George when I lived in Durango. I got to put my hands on the horns of his recently-taken S71 ram as it lay in the back of a pickup. This would’ve been 2009 or 2010. Heck of a guy.
Then you likely heard the story about how the S71 herd wouldn't exist without George pestering CDOW long enough about there being good winter habitat in the Animas Canyon that would support a herd of sheep. He went so far as to fly the local biologist up and down the canyon to convince him, and got his buddy Al Harper, who owns the D&SNGR to agree to haul the sheep up the canyon for release. Then George got in a bad car accident 2 days before the scheduled release in January 2001 and busted up his hip, so he couldn't be there for the release. Amazing that he ended up drawing an S71 tag years later and killed an ear-tagged ram from the original release.

We took a very short train up the Animas River in November 2023 to look for sheep...

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On this topic. Flowers are crazy cheap at your local Kroger/Safeway/Ralphs today. I just wrapped up an 8 house trip where my 8 year old son ran in $5 bouquets (that were $25 yesterday) to some older ladies around our small town.
…… knows someone in the 80’s, give them a call and bull shit with them for a hour or so, you might make their day.
At 81 I do talk to myself almost every day....until I nap. Then I get up to do something but by the time I get there I forget what I'm suppose to do, and return to my favorite chair. A good day is waking up.....and a great day is finding my truck.
Telephone calls, Cards, photos, flowers are about as simple as the easy button and can provide so much joy and feeling of being not alone. Heck, tie a fly, load some shotshells, drop off some venison, fish, birds ready to cook. Or even cooked. I give venison sausage, sticks and jerky. Then again maybe a bottle of Jim Beam! Just being acknowledged is huge psychological boost when you are alone.
One of our 5 man group to take NM cows the last couple of years is 81. He helped me service my ATV in October, doing most of the work while I just got in the way. He's in Dallas undergoing surgery this morning for a serious tumor. I spoke with him yesterday...he said, "seeya Saturday morning at our usual greasy spoon for breakfast."

He shot his cow at 400 left handed using is off eye coz he's blind in his right one. Send some good thoughts up for John
John returned to our Saturday breakfast crew this morning as the same personable dude he always is...his docs say he's good to go.

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