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Everyone behave...

You betcha Johnny!
Hogs,dogs,blades...nothing to worry about there.
Have fun.
Go Eagles!
Just remember my ice cold case of PBR's... :) Have a great time, John!
That's awesome, have a great time! I'm a fan of the better team from PA, but I am all Eagles this Sunday!
Go have fun. I got to guide a great veteran on a duck hunt through the Freedom Hunters organization and it was one of the best experiences I've had hunting.
Have fun be safe and tell all the warrior's their service is appreciated by all of us here at HT.
Have fun, be safe, and tell your new friends ... Thank you for their service.
I got back around 10:30 last night. 14 hour drive, lots of coffee, energy drinks, and camel lights. The weekend was amazing! Saturday we got rained out in the afternoon. Texas clay ain't no joke in the rain, even in UTVs with mud tires. The community outpouring was amazing. WE had several guys bring UTVs and dogs just to help us out. There was a lot of stuff donated from local businesses and old church ladies made cakes and goodies. They brought in a professional grill pit on a trailer for dinner Friday night. We had ribeyes as big as the plates! Sunday was better weather, a bit chilly and just a light mist. We loaded the dogs up and got into our teams and headed out. My partner (an amputee below the knee) got his ass through the briar thickets quicker than me and stuck his pig. A few hours later we found a pig for me. A half mile in chasing the dogs and crossing 2 creeks and the pig flipping into a pond, I stuck my pig. I have to say it was absolutely amazing watching these dogs work. If you ever get a chance to chase pigs with dogs and stab them up close and personal, I totally recommend it. It's a rush! We came back that afternoon to gumbo and boudain (sp?) sausages. After lunch we did a sporting clays competition. I won my round!! A bunch of the locals came in and shot with us and it was a great time in general. We packed up the clays and went in to watch the Superbowl. A big screen TV over a fireplace in the main lodge was amazing with treats and snacks and cheese dips. The game was amazing and there was a lot of hooting and hollering and giving each other crap. In the end my Eagles won....the line for all of the nay sayers and doubters can form behind me to kiss my ass :cool: Monday morning we all got together for breakfast out in town and ate and then parted ways to go to our respective homes. We had guys from Louisiana and Mississippi and Oklahoma and Texas in the group. Lasting friendships with a common bond of combat and injuries was an amazing experience. I also want to put in a good word for the state of Texas for our free 502 hunting and fishing licenses. I will tell the city of Ft Worth to piss off with the bumper to bumper dead stop traffic in construction I ran into at 4 AM. If there are any purple heart combat veterans on here shoot me a PM so I can put you in contact with the Warrior Bonfire Program. This was my second trip with them. It's an amazing experience..we laugh and cry and share experience and common bonds and shit talking the different services. (We had an Air Force intel dude with us with a Purple in the hell does that happen? lol) I can't tell you guys how refreshed my soul is and what a good state of mind I'm in after the trip.I want to give a shout out to the DDD Ranch in Warren, TX for hosting us and to the community as a whole for their support.
Was wondering where you would be John. That's a cool part of the state. Glad you had a good time.
John Cushman said:
I can't tell you guys how refreshed my soul is and what a good state of mind I'm in after the trip.
Im looking them up in our Federal CFC. Having bs'ed around many fires, gone fishing with ya... For you to share your thoughts like this... This group is the real deal.
Thanks for your friendship.

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