
Ever kill a lion off it’s kill?


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2017
Found a fresh lion kill today from last night. The entire deer was there, a 3 point. Do you think waiting for the lion to come eat off it from 200 yds away is doable? How long will it take him to eat it? A coyote ran off it later this afternoon and had it uncovered and ate the guts out. Will the lion defend its kill? I’m sure there will be multiple coyotes on it by now.
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I’d imagine a lion would bitch slap a coyote. Having hunted lions in South Dakota where dogs aren’t legal outside of some special tags in Custer state park. Finding a fresh kill would be ideal vs calling. I’d definitely be within 200 yards of that thing when the sun comes up. Then you could see how much is left after the sun is up for awhile. To reiterate...I think it would be a mistake to not be there in the morning.
Definitely go sit on that kill. Be quiet going in. He will probably be there eating in the dark and if not disturbed will be bedded nearby if not actually on the kill. I would wait till legal shooting light to sneak in.
We tried it a couple years ago and it didn't work out but we only had a evening to sit. Fresh mule deer doe kill. I'd try calling like others have said. I can't remember the number but I think a mature tom will kill 1 to 3 deer a week sometimes. Revisiting them on his "territorial" loop throughout the week or so it takes him to travel it. Good luck that would be freakin awesome if it works out!
I kicked a lion off a kill earlier this year but wasn’t able to put a camera on it until 3 or 4 days later. By that time it had eaten about half the deer but I did get one pic of it coming back in. Good luck!
My buddy and I *almost* got this done this fall in Idaho. He actually walked up on the lion eating its kill (domestic sheep) without knowing the carcass was there, and was drawing his bow when the lion busted him and ran off. He came and got me, we sat the carcass for a while. Coyote came by, but the lion never did while we were there. Good luck!
I spotted a lion on a kill from across a canyon a few years ago. The lion had eaten about 30% of the doe mule deer and I watched her bed about 100 yards away from the carcass. I made my stalk and shot her from 120 yards. I found a lion kill the next year in the same area and sat on it for a morning and an evening with no luck. Anytime I find a kill I plan on sitting over it a time or two.
Really looking forward to hearing how this goes. Even if it fails it’s got to be a neat experience preying on a predator over its prey. That’s primal man!
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