euro mount ???


New member
Jan 31, 2001
medina, new york
Ok, I have the head skinned, eyes out, brain out and bottom jaw is off.

Now what? I know I boil it but I am getting conflicting stories on the how longs and what to put in the water (degreaser ???)

So let me have it guys, tell what has worked for you.

Boiling the skull too hard can make the bone brittle and flaky, I generally apply no heat when I soak a skull but during the summer I'll let my bucket sit outside so it's warmed by the sun (I've never euroed one during the winter). For a degreaser I use blue dawn dish soap and time is definitely your friend when degreasing. I'll usually change the water every other day or so for a week or two. Making sure all of the yellowish brown tinting is removed from the bone makes getting a nice bright white a whole lot easier.
Simmer do not boil.

Put Sal Soda in the water, really seems to help getting the stuff off.

Time? When all of the nasty is off. It just depends. I usually let em simmer for 1 hour or so then scrape. Simmer then scrape. Simmer then scrape. It is a thankless task. But I am Eurotrash and love them.

A nice finishing touch always seems to be just warm soapy water in a bucket. Really cuts the last of the grease off.
Arm and Hammer washing soda is a good degreaser. Do not boil! Just get the water hot. Then complete the process like said above. Lay out a black garbage bag with the skull in it, brush on thirty percent hydrogen peroxide (from a hair salon). Then place the bag with the skull in it in a warm place for 24 hrs. Wash peroxide off and enjoy. Be sure to wear gloves, peroxide will burn the skin. I am by no means an expert on this subject, this is what I did and the two skulls I have done turned out nice. Good luck.
You'll get some great advice from the guys around here. Here's what I've found to work well:

I do it just a described for the most part. It is a thankless job and one you don't want to wear your Sunday best to do. I usually have an assortment of knives and pliers setting handy to scrape and pull off the meat. Once you're getting close to being done I've found it helps to use the garden hose on high pressure to spray out the brain cavity (a bit nasty as you'll get a bit on you but it cleans it out well).

Once you've got the skull clean it's nice to get a rubbermaid type container that the skull will fit into. I like to get an actual degreaser fluid. You can find it at walmart in the auto parts section at like $5 for a gallon of it. Dump it in and let it set for several days. There will be a lot of extra space to fill in the container around the skull and I've found you can fill gallon or sanwhich sized ziploc bags with water and they'll fill the unecessary space quite well.

Once you've degreased long enough clean out the container and refill with some 40 or 50 strength hydrogen peroxide. You can buy it at a beauty supply store for about $5 bucks a bottle. 3 bottles is about right for a deer or antelope. Again, soak for several days.

In all of he above steps just be careful to keep antlers out of bioling water, degreaser and peroxide as they will discolor.

Have fun. :)
I did pretty much what most of the guys on here are saying with the buck I got this year but I didn't bleach mine, only boiled it. As for getting the brains out an air compressor works good as well but be prepared to get some of it on you!
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