PEAX Equipment

Ethics of removing tree stands from public land

It’s not my property and not my job to enforce my states laws so I don’t touch anything that doesn’t belong to me.
You never pick up trash, litter, other junk? Party balloons, spent ammo hulls, anything?

I come back with a bird vest full of junk on most days. Dr. Pepper and Mt. Dew bottles are at the top of the list.
I'd say leave them alone, unless it's killing the tree. If it ain't yours and isn't hurting anything you're just stealing. There is National forest that I have some that stay out for years. I use ratchet straps and replace them every year or two, so it isn't killing the tree.
Now if it's degraded past the point of being used or restricting the tree I can see the reason to remove and at that point I'd consider it abandoned.
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I feel it is a hunters duty to remove his stand at the end of every season and then reinstall it the following season. I know land owners usually expect that. In my state they are supposed to be removed after the season. You do not want the bird watchers and other outdoor users thinking that we are all lazy.
I won’t pull it down, though I’ve thought about it if it doesn’t have a name or ALS number…. But I’ll sure as hell use it! 😂
Last one up the trees a rotten egg!
A little overkill, but I kinda like it.
No problem with them destroying the blind but clean up the mess. Probably much better or at least less messy ways to get rid of that then dynamite. Seems like some forest service employee was looking for a excuse to blow something up.
Couple drip torches and a gallon of fuel for same...done deal and no mess.
Or a chainsaw.

But I wonder if there was a "statement" being made? That said, I cannot believe that the DNR or any other state or federal agency would condone using explosives. If the story is accurate, I would wager someone got their ass(es) kicked - hard. Or maybe it was a few public-land vigilantes, freelancing a removal (c.f., The Monkeywrench Gang). I think there is more to this story than we are being told.
Or a chainsaw.

But I wonder if there was a "statement" being made? That said, I cannot believe that the DNR or any other state or federal agency would condone using explosives. If the story is accurate, I would wager someone got their ass(es) kicked - hard. Or maybe it was a few public-land vigilantes, freelancing a removal (c.f., The Monkeywrench Gang). I think there is more to this story than we are being told.
The USFS uses lots of explosives for fire line construction, road/trail work, blowing up dead horses, etc. I've set a few miles of fire line explosives myself. I have some photos somewhere around here.

Can't speak to State DNR but maybe a training deal?
Justice will be if they clean it up and send the owner a bill for the demo and the cleanup. Maybe a ticket for ten years worth of illegal standes?
There are plenty of public land areas that they can be left up for the entire season. Leave mine alone.
Not that i would do this. But legally i believe if it is left up after the legal time and there are no identification information, it is then considered abandoned property. Therefore, legally you can take it. Its like dropping something on the ground on public land and someone finds it, not sure how anyone could prove someone was coming back for it, therefore, abandoned.

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