One thing I do remember, even though I definitely don't hold the age of a few of you, side walks so hot, you couldn't walk on them with bare feet, my mom and grandfather talking about it hot enough to fry eggs on rocks. I sure haven't seen any of that in these same regions they talked, or I have seen as a little farmer. I see the biggest reason of all that the cycle of life going on right in front of us isn't being pushed at all is the fact that all of our esteemed drum beaters don't get big government $$$ $$$ $$$ for telling every one that we are only in part of an ongoing cycle that the earth sees every so many thousands of years. That kind of stuff also doesn’t make dramatic press releases either. The way I see it, unless of course better proof is shown, you guy's "Theories" hold no more merit than mine, except mine can be proven looking at the long time line of the earth (If of course those putting on the documentaries on the learning stations are remotely correct in their programs) and not at the last 50 years of a planet that is some five billion years old...Do the math, do the odds, which one holds more water and more credence....