I apologize in advance for the amount of posts that will come in the next three months related to hunting and fishing issues in Montana. Here is the "first of the worst."
If you hunt bighorns in Montana or dream of hunting them, then this is one you need to weigh in on. It is a bill that is trying to make sheep transplants even more difficult.
We have had major disease die off in three of our best units over the last decade. We have not been able to augment those populations with excess sheep from other units, due to the current restrictions the legilsature has imposed on FWP was it relates to sheep transplants.
This bill makes it even more difficult.
As some former FWP biologists have stated, if this bill goes through, we will never see another sheep transplant in Montana. Not good news for anyone who dreams of hunting Montana bighorns.
If you want to draw a sheep tag some year, the best way to do that is to have more sheep. To have more sheep, we need to kill bad bills, such as this one, SB 83.
Here is the text of SB 83.
The sponsor is Terry Murphy, a Republican from Cardwell. His Legislative contact link is below:
http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4095&Name=TERRY L MURPHY
The bill will be heard in the Senate Fish and Game Committee on Thursday at 3pm. Here is the contact informaiton of all of those members of the Senate Fish and Game Committee.
Brenden, John (R - Ch) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4212&Name=JOHN C BRENDEN
Ripley, Rick (R – V Ch) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4209&Name=RICK RIPLEY
Barrett, Debby (R) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4220&Name=DEBBY BARRETT
Facey, Tom (D) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4099&Name=TOM FACEY
Fielder, Jennifer (R) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4208&Name=JENNIFER FIELDER
Hamlett, Brad (D) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4210&Name=BRADLEY MAXON HAMLETT
Jent, Larry (D) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4093&Name=LARRY JENT
Peterson, Jim (R) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4088&Name=JIM E PETERSON
Thomas, Fred (R) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4224&Name=FRED THOMAS
Van Dyk, Kendall (D) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4101&Name=KENDALL J VAN DYK
Secretary: Mary Kulawik, Rm 320, (406) 444-4889
I would encourage anyone who has an interest in bighorn sheep in Montana to contact these people and ask that they kill SB 83.
When you read it, you will see that the odds of further transplants are pretty much down the tubes. If you belong to the Montana Chapter of the Wild Sheep Foundation, please contact them to make sure they are using their influence to stop this bill.
Here we go.
If you hunt bighorns in Montana or dream of hunting them, then this is one you need to weigh in on. It is a bill that is trying to make sheep transplants even more difficult.
We have had major disease die off in three of our best units over the last decade. We have not been able to augment those populations with excess sheep from other units, due to the current restrictions the legilsature has imposed on FWP was it relates to sheep transplants.
This bill makes it even more difficult.
As some former FWP biologists have stated, if this bill goes through, we will never see another sheep transplant in Montana. Not good news for anyone who dreams of hunting Montana bighorns.
If you want to draw a sheep tag some year, the best way to do that is to have more sheep. To have more sheep, we need to kill bad bills, such as this one, SB 83.
Here is the text of SB 83.
The sponsor is Terry Murphy, a Republican from Cardwell. His Legislative contact link is below:
http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4095&Name=TERRY L MURPHY
The bill will be heard in the Senate Fish and Game Committee on Thursday at 3pm. Here is the contact informaiton of all of those members of the Senate Fish and Game Committee.
Brenden, John (R - Ch) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4212&Name=JOHN C BRENDEN
Ripley, Rick (R – V Ch) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4209&Name=RICK RIPLEY
Barrett, Debby (R) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4220&Name=DEBBY BARRETT
Facey, Tom (D) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4099&Name=TOM FACEY
Fielder, Jennifer (R) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4208&Name=JENNIFER FIELDER
Hamlett, Brad (D) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4210&Name=BRADLEY MAXON HAMLETT
Jent, Larry (D) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4093&Name=LARRY JENT
Peterson, Jim (R) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4088&Name=JIM E PETERSON
Thomas, Fred (R) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4224&Name=FRED THOMAS
Van Dyk, Kendall (D) - http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/63rd/legwebmessage.asp?LegSessID=4101&Name=KENDALL J VAN DYK
Secretary: Mary Kulawik, Rm 320, (406) 444-4889
I would encourage anyone who has an interest in bighorn sheep in Montana to contact these people and ask that they kill SB 83.
When you read it, you will see that the odds of further transplants are pretty much down the tubes. If you belong to the Montana Chapter of the Wild Sheep Foundation, please contact them to make sure they are using their influence to stop this bill.
Here we go.