Kenetrek Boots

End of a good day


New member
Jan 10, 2001
Grand Lake Stream ME USA

Just got this photo in the mail and had to show it

From left to right David Tobey (my brother)Paul Lanny My self (The handsome one)and Richard Lanny Paul's (Farther)
We teamed up for several cat hunts this winter,This being the best of them.1-28# and 1-32#
We got onto another one But darkness got us before we got him Jumped.

We having fun yet//Tobey
Thats as good as it gets Tobey.What a great picture.That looks like 4 guys who have just had a great time doing what they must love to do.
Think you can squeeze me into one of those pictures next year??
BCA that's a gmc truck with a tundra and dog box in the back.Paul said it's the last gmc he will ever own and has traded it for a Ford alredy.Buckshot We shot both them cats on the ground we only treed 2 out of 18 this winter The dogs caught 4 on the ground and killed them when the snow was real deep.
Them old Tundras are tippy The new ones are much better But a little heavier.George we came close to getting you in a pic.Next time you need to stay longer.

We having fun yet//Tobey
Your one ugly son of a gun. The only guy I know who is uglier than me.....lmao, but them are nice bobcats.......still gonna trade ya a week for a week

Sorry Tobey, I've got another question for ya. I talked to George P a little about how you guys shoot a lot of your bobcats on the ground or the dogs catch them. I've never heard of anyone doing that out here so I assume the cats must just be wired a little different there. The bobcats are way harder to catch than the lions, but either the dogs tree 'em and we get them or they get away. Never had the opportunity to get in front of them and never had dogs fast enough to catch them on the ground. Did you mean that out of 18 cats killed only 2 climbed, or was it that you turned out on 18? I'm just curious. I usually end up getting about 1/2 of the bobcats we turn out on. The others either lose the dogs in the rocks or run in enough circles that nobody can figure out what the hell is going on.

Clint Gray
Buckshot Outfitting
Out of 18 killed we only treed 2. We have some very thick spruce thickets,Our cats will get into these thickets and circle Just like you said yours will do.We get in the circle and shoot the cats on the ground.Same as Rabbit hunting.The ones the dogs caught themselves was in 2 feet or better of snow when the dogs could run but the cats brake through.Our dogs aren't any faster or better then anyone else's And if we get 1/3 the cats we put onto we are doing good.I have found when hunting in big timber more open terrain the cats tree more often.
I will say this A successful Bobcat hunter up in this country has to stay on his feet and with his hound hunting together as a team.

We having fun yet//Tobey
Buckshot, I am sure tobey will give you better answers but I have seen one big difference between your cats and ours. That is where they live. The cats out here,especially where Tobey lives, are in real real thick cover. I mean where you literally cant see 5 or 10 feet in front of you. It may be different where you are but I have seen several videos of bobcat hunting in Idaho and other western areas. I couldnt get over how open the country ,generally.was.
I have friends that go out lion hunting every year for 2 weeks in Montana.They sometimes run bobcats out there after they kill lions or when they dont find a lion track that day. They said the same thing you did.They tree every one that they kill. Out here it is about one tree to every 5 they kill. Now I am just going on what they say but they tell me it is way easier to tree one out there than it is here. They claim it is because of the more open country.
It is very easy to have the dogs push a cat by you here within 20 yds and you will not see cat or dog.Tobey can tell you about a couple we ran that were like that this winter.Gun to our shoulders ready to pull the trigger and never saw a thing go by !!!
What do you western guys think ????
I tell ya what I think......I wanna go hunt Maine....but the drive from Idaho to Maine, with 6 dogs and snowmobile trailer, litterally could be a pain in the hiney....
It's interesting to hear the differences in hunting the same critters in different places. I've read enough of you 2 guy's posts to believe anything you tell me. We do have some very thick stuff up here in northern Idaho, but when the cats circle it's so huge that trying to predict where to be is like finding a needle in a haystack. And usually the dogs are so far ahead that it's either treed or screwed up beyond repair by the time we catch up. That's awesome that you caught 18 bob's this year! I guess maybe we could do that if we ignored lions, but when I have a client usually we pass up a bunch of bobcat tracks for every lion we run.

Clint Gray
Buckshot Outfitting
I know Tobey wont tell you this. From everything my friends and I have heard from all the cat hunters in Maine,his crew ended up with the most cats in the State of Maine this season !!!
When i went up and ran with him for a couple days it was awesome. We hardly spent anytime looking for tracks. It was always "there is one hanging over this road" or "one crosses here every other day" or "My friends cousin,sister and wife all saw one crossing this road the other day"( come to think of it ,they may have all been the same person the way things are up that part of Maine LOL)
This bunch of cat hunters really know their stuff !!! Knowing where they are is half the battle in Maine.
Buckshot we have a 2 1/2 month Bobcat season and the 18 cats where a collected effete of the 4 men in the picture.We didn't hunt together all the time.When our cats circle they will continue to circle until they get spooked (usually by a hunter)Then they will only move over a hundred yards and start all over again.
Gatoman all you need is your dogs I have extra snow sleds.
Catman I will trade a hunt with ya any time.I am coming out that way and lion hunt some time before I am to old .

We having fun yet//Tobey
Tobey, I don't Always make it to this section..... BUT I WILL need to more!!!! Nice pictures and NICE ICON!!!!

Gato, How long would it take if there was 2 PEOPLE traveling from Idaho ?!?!?

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


Tobey.. Go to the FIRESIDE and Look at BIG SKYS post on MOosie READ THIS!!! It has Info on Idaho SWAP hunts you might BE interested......

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


Well with this ford ranger, between hills, breakdowns and side sight seeing tours might take a month to reach maine.....LOL
Nice cats, we aint had that much snow here, in 5 yrs put together. Our cats run it out hear also. We tree about 1/2 in brush piles or holes under the river bank. Shoot a lot on the ground with shotguns. I have races last several hours somtimes and never leave a 100acres, briars or 6ft tall grass or frozen cattail swamps, Very challenging. The old dog dont have much hair left on his face after a couple days of them races! Everywhere I hunt them they are a little differant KW
It would be a kick in the butt to hunt with you, and Geore P better come along also......maybe we could talk Gato-man into coming down also and we'd have a heck of a time....Gato-man..we could take my truck..don't have to worry about breakdowns or power, but maybe a little fuel

Catman If we all was to get together and run some dogs you would need to kick me in the butt
Just to make sure we aren't dreeming LOL

Gattoman If you bring moosie along he can do the cooking (he got the pan)LOL

We having fun yet//Tobey
It would take a bigger pan than that to cook for a pile of hunters........lmao No offense
