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Elon on Joe Rogan

I just drove by a couple hundred people protesting elon in downtown Bozeman. Must’ve been a wild podcast. Did he say or do something on there I missed?
Speaking of missed, looks like a few posts got deleted here just before I got the chance to see the chaos. Damn.
There is something really beautiful about making choices.

You have the choice to not open a thread.
You have the choice to not respond to the typical trolls.
You have the choice to mute people.
You have the choice to have educated discussions and agreements.

You do not get to post elevated personal attacks.

There's a big difference in choice and ability. :ROFLMAO:
all I’m saying is from hosting fear factor to being a cited source of “ information”

The host of a podcast is usually not the delivering the information. They are providing a platform for other people to share information and experiences. Knowledge and information can many different forms…
This is the truest meme. It’s wild that “TV’s Joe Rogan” is so widely held as the epitome of intellectual thought in America today. Society got duuuumb.
Rogan is the curious host with enough sense to interview all kinds of people from various political spectrums and opinions. Some of his interviewees are intellectuals, some are not. He doesn’t claim to be one, but sometimes people who are uninformed call him that. I think his audience would simply chuckle at label.
Rogan is the curious host with enough sense to interview all kinds of people from various political spectrums and opinions. Some of his interviewees are intellectuals, some are not. He doesn’t claim to be one, but sometimes people who are uninformed call him that. I think his audience would simply chuckle at label.

I bet I have listened to more than half of Rogan’s episodes for the last 12 years or so. Back when the wife and I had a side gig I’d listen while I worked. I don’t know if I would call him an intellectual, but he is very smart. I know a lot smart folks who would struggle to do what he does - not in terms of entertainment but in navigating complex topics - for hours and thousands of times.

I used to laugh a lot when listening to his podcast, but unless it’s a guest I’m really interested in, the show has really fallen off for me. He’s absolutely been honeydicked by the claims of certain people, and those people have a political bent. I don’t hold it against him insofar as he’s an urbanite and wealthy and won’t understand a lot of the on the ground world this forum interacts with. He watched LA go apocalyptic and has also been the target of some outrageous lies and terribly misleading reporting from the MSM. I think that sent him in a direction.

I really started to feel the skew when he would repeatedly get angry about some things, but brush off others if they didn’t fit the political bill. His guest choices are another obvious push for one political direction. Nowadays, even with a non political guest, he can’t help but take it political. The way he’s fawned over Elon in past episodes - I ain’t listening to this one. Already know how it’ll go.
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I bet I have listened to more than half of Rogan’s episodes for the last 12 years or so. Back when the wife and I had a side gig I’d listen while I worked. I don’t know if I would call him an intellectual, but he is very smart. I know a lot smart folks who would struggle to do what he does - not in terms of entertainment but in navigating complex topics - for hours and thousands of times.

I used to laugh a lot when listening to his podcast, but unless it’s a guest I’m really interested in, the show has really fallen off for me. He’s absolutely been honeydicked by the claims of certain people, and those people have a political bent. I don’t hold it against him insofar as he’s an urbanite and wealthy and won’t understand a lot of the on the ground world this forum interacts with. He watched LA go apocalyptic and has also been the target of some outrageous lies and terribly misleading reporting from the MSM. I think that sent him in a direction.

I really started to feel the skew when he would repeatedly get angry about some things, but brush off others if they didn’t fit the political bill. His guest choices are another obvious push for one political direction. Nowadays, even with a non political guest, he can’t help but take it political. The way he’s fawned over Elon in past episodes - I ain’t listening to this one. Already know how it’ll go.
Sounds like you have listened long enough to know he has never been hard right politically. Its funny how the first time he steps off the bus of a certain political opinion he gets shanked. I am sure the same thing will happen when he does it the other way for whatever cause.
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I bet I have listened to more than half of Rogan’s episodes for the last 12 years or so. Back when the wife and I had a side gig I’d listen while I worked. I don’t know if I would call him an intellectual, but he is very smart. I know a lot smart folks who would struggle to do what he does - not in terms of entertainment but in navigating complex topics - for hours and thousands of times.

I used to laugh a lot when listening to his podcast, but unless it’s a guest I’m really interested in, the show has really fallen off for me. He’s absolutely been honeydicked by the claims of certain people, and those people have a political bent. I don’t hold it against him insofar as he’s an urbanite and wealthy and won’t understand a lot of the on the ground world this forum interacts with. He watched LA go apocalyptic and has also been the target of some outrageous lies and terribly misleading reporting from the MSM. I think that sent him in a direction.

I really started to feel the skew when he would repeatedly get angry about some things, but brush off others if they didn’t fit the political bill. His guest choices are another obvious push for one political direction. Nowadays, even with a non political guest, he can’t help but take it political. The way he’s fawned over Elon in past episodes - I ain’t listening to this one. Already know how it’ll go.
I don’t know why, but I always crack up when you use the term “honeydicked”. Childish…I know. 😂
I haven’t made it all the way through these posts. I listen to lots of different podcasts. Spend lots of time in tractors, sprayers, ect. To just write off any podcast or anything just shows arrogance and ignorance. The entire point of free speech is you can listen to what you want and agree or disagree. I listen to some of Rogans stuff, Shawn Ryan, and some fringe or ones consider moderate. I can sort through and decipher what I think is right and true and what isnt. The only thing I know for sure is that CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and the 3 network channels news is unwatchable nonsense that’s designed to scare people and rile them up. It’s not news it’s just fear mongering BS.

So if you say listening to Rogan is laughable but listen to one of the mentioned above network the joke is on you.
I enjoyed Joe Rogan on Season 1 of News Radio. Anything after that is a hard pass from me.

In my opinion there is no redeeming qualities to Elon Musk or the illegal work he is doing at DOGE right now.

This work should be done by Congress and with majorities in both chambers, there is no reason the Rs couldn't do it. But they don't want to do their jobs and be held accountable to their constituents.

There is a very good example of how a process of government efficiency can be achieved from the Clinton administration. It was all done legally with cooperation of the Legislative and Executive branch. That is not what is happening here.
I haven’t made it all the way through these posts. I listen to lots of different podcasts. Spend lots of time in tractors, sprayers, ect. To just write off any podcast or anything just shows arrogance and ignorance. The entire point of free speech is you can listen to what you want and agree or disagree. I listen to some of Rogans stuff, Shawn Ryan, and some fringe or ones consider moderate. I can sort through and decipher what I think is right and true and what isnt. The only thing I know for sure is that CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and the 3 network channels news is unwatchable nonsense that’s designed to scare people and rile them up. It’s not news it’s just fear mongering BS.

So if you say listening to Rogan is laughable but listen to one of the mentioned above network the joke is on you.
My grandpa( very un political guy) and I used to listen to rush limbaugh and I asked him why he listens to him . “ it’s entertainment, he’s an actor”

Same with jordan Ramsey, Ben Shapiro, jon Stewart etc, just actors
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So if you say listening to Rogan is laughable but listen to one of the mentioned above network the joke is on you.
At some point the American media consumer leaned into a synergy between news and entertainment. Much falls into the category of pure entertainment now, including all the networks you mentioned. Everyone seems to be the most entertained by their own outrage. Et voila, there’s a financial incentive to keep suckers tuned in by manufacturing outrage.

It’s disappointing that we’ve gone from the rigorous debate of William F. Buckley Jr. hosting Firing Line to whatever it is we have now.
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