Hmm, Just another Arizona Raghorn....Don't you hate those scrawny little desert bulls? :D ;)

That's a beautiful bull MD. You've obviously got as much luck as you can live with. :confused:

Best wishes for your father.

It's a great story also.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-01-2002 12:09: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
Hey ElkhuntinMD,

Was one of the guys you met named Joe D? I had Moosie post a pic of a monster on here a while back and I just heard a bit more of the story, it was from 16A too. 421 rough green monster. SO....it appears there are some big bulls in 16A!
Way to go ElkHntMD! I was up on that mountain last year visiting a friend (who runs the county park up there) and saw those hand fed cows. Didn't see any monster bulls like yours, though. Awsome bull!
FETCHING long winded story.... BUT DAM DAM GOOD !!!! Glad you posted it !!! Always good to hear the details !!!!

GLAD you scored on the hunt !! Thanx again for posting it !!!

Dude, I can't tell you how happy I am for you. Personnally I'd have passed him up, but hey...

Just want to let all you know that I taught him everything he knows... oh wait, mabye that's the other way around....

Congrads Rod, you definitly deserve it!!!

awsome! did the other guys score on anything???? someday i will draw a tag there in AZ, i have 5 bonus pts.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>someday i will draw a tag there in AZ, i have 5 bonus pts. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thats funny.... I live in az and in 21 or 22 draws Ive only drawn one elk tag LOL

Did you say you were hunting out of a tree stand 47 feet in the air? That seems a little high to be bow hunting from. I just would like to know if that is correct info or not.
Well anyhow, that's a good bull. Nothing to hang your head about there. Congradulation
Yetty thats what he said when he called me the next night.. in AZ we have pondersoa and the only way you can get a treestand up and stay semi in the cover is to go HIGH.. ive seen quite a few tree stand hunters that high. Me I dont like it so I stay on the ground....


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