Elk vs. Wolves

I actually do want to try Cabot if I can find some.
You’re gonna be disappointed.
Not even close to tillamook quality.
I’ve tried several different variants ranging from prepackaged sticks to shaved pepper jack off a freshly opened loaf in the deli.
Not certain what that means but when they plan to drop 6 breeding pair a few miles from your doorstep at about the same elevation it seems a bit close to home for my liking.

Not certain what that means but when they plan to drop 6 breeding pair a few miles from your doorstep at about the same elevation it seems a bit close to home for my liking.
Shoot, shovel, shut up:cool:
Just wait to you see how the moose tags drop over the next 20 years. Don't worry it will be blamed on climate change and loose of habitat. Moose are gonna take a really big decrease in population in a short period of time.
Not certain what that means but when they plan to drop 6 breeding pair a few miles from your doorstep at about the same elevation it seems a bit close to home for my liking.
Your say goodbye to the success of the moose reintroduction program. Dam global warming!
Wolves will definitely disburse and push resident elk / moose around. If you've found your honey-hole, that may likely change and you will have to adapt as the wolf population increases and if your state is anything like Montana... example Colorado - figure yourself... far beyond our numbers and not able to hunt until... well, the eco - extremes had Montana Wyoming and Idaho strangled far too long. Now we (MT and ID) sit at 8-14x's the minimal # USFWS requires before a state flags on their radar. It's an f-d road that CO now must start their hell with eco-extremist attorneys who's pockets are lined by NYC, LA, Portland-ians....
Wolves will definitely disburse and push resident elk / moose around. If you've found your honey-hole, that may likely change and you will have to adapt as the wolf population increases and if your state is anything like Montana... example Colorado - figure yourself... far beyond our numbers and not able to hunt until... well, the eco - extremes had Montana Wyoming and Idaho strangled far too long. Now we (MT and ID) sit at 8-14x's the minimal # USFWS requires before a state flags on their radar. It's an f-d road that CO now must start their hell with eco-extremist attorneys who's pockets are lined by NYC, LA, Portland-ians....
It's a bit different in CO. In MT/ID/WY wolves were added with ESA protection. CO voted to do an re-introduction and can only do on so long as they aren't on the ESA. If CO wolves are found to have ESA protection then USFWS can do a re-intro, but the state itself can't.

Point being on day one there is no federal law precluding hunting, only state law. Therefore I don't see the same kinds of roadblocks that the other states faced. There will be roadblocks, but they will be local, New Jersey cat ladies don't have a say in CO wolves... boulder cat ladies though...
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