Elk Shoulder Season in Montana, searching for advice


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2018
Bozeman, MT

After a rewarding and exciting archery and rifle season for elk, my father and I unfortunately still have our MT general elk tags. We are considering making an attempt at a couple of cows during the shoulder season after New Years' and into early January 2021. I have sifted through the 2020 regulations book and have determined that region 4 has the most opportunity (units to hunt and huntable land, given the individual hunt area restrictions). This would be the first time I have ever hunted during the shoulder season in MT so any and all advice and recommendations are welcome.
Have any of you hunted during shoulder season?
What was your experience like?
Is it worth the investment of a couple of days?

Thank you for your time and thoughts
Give the bio out of Lewistown a call and see if they have any suggestions to some private land where elk are a nuisance. They know how to mow them down in that area.

edit: over the top
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I’d rather punch my grandma than hunt during the shoulder seasons. I’m kidding, sort of.

Give the bio out of Lewistown a call and see if they have any suggestions to some private land where elk are a nuisance. They know how to mow them down in that area.
Jeez kind of a prick aren't ya Schaaf😉
Each Regional office has an Elk Hunt Information Coordinator. They will be your best place to start.
Hello all. I am from Louisiana and have been an avid hunted my entire life. I have killed many whitetail deer in Louisiana, Texas, and Missouri. I once even went to Florida and killed one. I have developed a desire and passion to travel out west and kill an elk and a mule deer. Last year I made my first ever attempt at an over the counter bull tag in Colorado in the Gunnison are. I ate a tag sandwich! I would love this year to try Montana and I am looking at Region 3 and wanting to go for B-Licenses for a cow elk and whitetail does. I don't expect to kill an elk but I'd like to at least give it an honest effort. The deer license would be to hopefully bring home some meat.

I've narrowed my choices down based off license availability but that's still pretty broad. I currently am looking at Units:
300 (elk)
302 (elk)
311 (deer and elk)
312 (deer and elk)
320 (deer and elk)
322 (deer and elk)
323 (elk)
324 (deer and elk)
325 (deer and elk)
326 (deer and elk)
327 (elk)
328 (elk)
329 (elk)
330 (deer and elk)
331 (elk)
332 (elk)
333 (deer)
340 (deer)
360 (deer)

I'd never ask for a honey hole, but could someone give me some advise on where to narrow down my search too. We'd like to tent camp to cut down on travel time and to just enjoy the experience.
Talk to MT FWP and/or go to their website and use their tools to narrow down some areas. They're a better source of what you're looking for than a hunting forum.
You won't find many people on here that are fans of shoulder seasons in MT as this is a site for mostly public land hunters.

I honestly couldn't tell you where to hunt as you've got way too many places listed but people generally aren't going to tell you where to hunt in a specific unit on a public forum.
I’d like to go anytime from early November until the close of season. I don’t necessarily want a certain spot to hunt though I’d take one 😂.
What I am mostly asking is out of the areas listed which ones stand a better chance of seeing or producing whitetail does and cow elk.
I’ve talked to the fine people of Montana Game and Fish and they basically tell me just come hunt. That’s fine and all but I am 1,900 miles away.
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