
Elk ND unit E2


New member
Apr 18, 2024
North Dakota
Been scouting and hiking around E2 for cow elk. I have come across elk tracks in 2 areas, but every time has been low elk traffic and sign. Looking for some other hunters that may have Elk or deer hunted they area prior that may have a better understanding of the unit. Thanks in advance.
In the areas I've encountered elk out there, I would not waste time hiking through them(thick,nasty $*it) ,unless I was heading to a good vantage point to glass. Be in a good glassing spot away from roads at first and last light. Look for tracks when you're driving on two track roads that go through some of that rugged country, the elk like to use those for travel as well. I would spend my mid-day scouting time , driving around and shaking hands with as many landowners as possible. Even if they don't allow you to hunt, you still may be able to gain some valuable info. The elk out there at times, will move miles between feeding(think ag lands) and bedding areas. Put a bunch of miles on the truck and lots of time behind the binos and I'm sure you'll find your cow. Good luck and keep us posted.
In the areas I've encountered elk out there, I would not waste time hiking through them(thick,nasty $*it) ,unless I was heading to a good vantage point to glass. Be in a good glassing spot away from roads at first and last light. Look for tracks when you're driving on two track roads that go through some of that rugged country, the elk like to use those for travel as well. I would spend my mid-day scouting time , driving around and shaking hands with as many landowners as possible. Even if they don't allow you to hunt, you still may be able to gain some valuable info. The elk out there at times, will move miles between feeding(think ag lands) and bedding areas. Put a bunch of miles on the truck and lots of time behind the binos and I'm sure you'll find your cow. Good luck and keep us posted.
Thanks for the advice will keep you updated.
I've seen elk near the Cottonwood Creek Fire burn scar in the past. Also north of Flat Top Butte. Hope this helps!
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