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Elk Mount in progress....

Here is a picture from the front with a couple bushes next to it for ideas :

It's a great looking mount Oscar....but why a Ficus and why does it look more like Daffodils?

Hey guys. I said we put a couple of bushes up to it for idea's. they came off of a different mount. Those are not gonig to be on the mount.....gesh. I don't spend money on mounts not to have everything look as real as I can get. :rolleyes:
It's in fact not an elk trail. This particular elk was on an elk trail when the fragrance of a cow and some cow calling was heard from across the canyon. At that time he left the trail and went across the canyon and was looking for her. He realized it was just a hunter with cow scent so he continued over the mountain to elude the hunter that was trying to call him in. After getting out of harm’s way he was a little parched and felt the need to take a drink in the running water. He stepped out of the brush and looked to his right then is looking to his left before stepping over the water to drink. nearby was a water seep petruding out of the rocks. As he was looking to the left he heard a noise and wasn’t sure what it was. Alas, it was just a chipmunk on a branch and the elk was once again at peace.
Had I shot SPIDEY instead of the bull I shot I would have had to put a camper and 6 stuffed photographers in the mount.
What ? Not that creative ?!?! OK.. OK... It's not ALL me. But I do have the Core Idea when I go into the taxidermist. They do a butt load of mounts and a few special ones so they have some idea's on what works and what doesn't.

Tomorrow morning I go back. I think it should be all fiberglassed up and the base part where he stands will have the dirt on it.
Dude, thats a great idea and a spectacular mount. Way nice job Moosie! I am going to drive to Idaho to see it when you get-r-back from the taxi.
Funny you should ask,... I have a couple. I've gone back twice :) The Elk istelf is 95% done and sitting on the side. The rock, from here out is gonig to be the test. Still in the works and working out the splashing issues but here ya go :

Here is the Back of it. It is elevated because the pan wasn't done at this time yet.


Mitch doing some water testing just to see :


Here is were it drains down. LAter there is a Rock installed and will jsut disapear


Everyone looking at it and working on it :


here is the opening right now. it's still in the works. But you can see the pan down under it


Another view from the front :

Uhh-TARGET PRACTICE!! Awesome mount and it will look great with a few arrows sticking out of it. Better not allow the boys to drink too much near the mount. Great bull.
The mount itself is awesome! But, add in the rock and water feature and that is downright beautiful!! Can't wait to see the finished product.
I this going to be another competition piece?

No, I don't think so. But it will be used as a backdrop for serveral events. I think there is a Elk skinning seminar at Ssportsmans coming up and some other stuff. It will probably be used for that. it's looking Guuuuuud. But I'm partia lto it cuz it's mine ;)
Awesome Oscar!!! ( I wouldn't commit it to very many events. You will find the more you move it, the worse it will look. Besides, you can put that thing and leave it in my house ANYDAY!
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