Kenetrek Boots

Elk Ivory

I have had a ring made, and a set of cufflinks with the BPOE Elks emblem were given to me by a dear friend, they are absolutely gorgeous.
I had a ring made that had two elk heads with the horns wrapped around the tooth to hold it in and some diamonds in the top..Also had a neclas made for my wife..Since we used broken and none used jewlry, we didn't pay for any of the stones or gold, just labor...The neclas is one of a kind and turned out very nice... :D
I could just see it now, my girlfriend leans over to kiss me and I say "Hold on real quick." and I take the ivories out of my mouth. LMAO
I saw one elk hunter mount the ivories in the stock of his rifle. He was an old timer and from the look of his old beat up 30-40 krag it had killed many elk.
Hey TK, go here...

The artists name is Tom High. He does some great stuff with Elk ivories and his prices are very reasonable. Besides being a great artist, he's one hell of a hunter. He makes knives in his spare time. I hear he also does a little guiding. I met he and his wife throught the RMEF. Check it out. Might give you some ideas.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-03-2002 13:24: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
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