Caribou Gear Tarp

Elk hunting with your wife & 6yo

I'm not so sure noise bother's elk or deer either one. Seen some act pretty stupid around noise. My though is that what get's them on the mussel is acting like a predator! I have walked up pretty close to deer one time wearing a white t-shirt. They would look up now and then and I would just stop. Got darn near into bow range before they left but, the didn't spook out rather simply walked away. See a lot of time's walking around when they simply get up and go out, sometimes at a walk and some time at high speed. When we hunt, we turn into predator's and I think that's the thing that really set them off. After the season get's going and bunch of them shot at they do become more cautious. Think of it like this, mountain lion scare's off a deer or elk but a cow bumbling around doesn't! Then again the cow is not making any effort to conceal itself or be quiet.
Nice hunting. And way to get the family out. Your boy is a trooper. Enjoy some fine eating elk steaks and burger.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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