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Elk hunting camo vs Deer hunting camo ????

Most camo patterns are marketing. I do use Sitka, but really don’t care about the pattern, I like the performance of the clothing.

It isn’t cheap, but almost all of the Sitka gear I have, I bought off of used sporting goods websites and saved a lot of money.

You have to look long and hard to find better performing or better engineered clothing than Sitka…
For rifle season it won't matter. If you want it - awesome- but don't feel compelled to spend the money. Elk are still biologically wired to manage threat at predator distance - and scent and noise will be much bigger giveaways than visuals.
Wind/smell and movement are your most important variables.

For those who want to buy the coolest camo, they could conclude that a Hulk Hogan costume works:
This kid had everything. Sitka head to toe. Stone glacier pack and flat bill hat. Phelps tuba. Bitch is he didnt see us or the elk 50yds behind him. Not sure what value there is in having gear when you are an idiot. I wonder what his Instagram is?

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As other mentioned camo is not needed. I have a variety of different camo and colored jackets and pants. Spend money on boot, socks, and a wool layer. When hiking in I try and bring a second base layer shirt and a couple pairs of socks.
This kid had everything. Sitka head to toe. Stone glacier pack and flat bill hat. Phelps tuba. Bitch is he didnt see us or the elk 50yds behind him. Not sure what value there is in having gear when you are an idiot. I wonder what his Instagram is?

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Is there really a need to try and degrade someone because they sat out in the opening and didn’t notice you or an elk. Maybe he is a kid or new hunter just trying to learn or teach himself how to hunt elk and is looking for any and all advantages he can get in gear, plus who really cares what he spends his money on. We could all be questioned by someone on our choices of money spent, if it’s important for him to spend money on gear that’s better than drugs. Who cares at the end of the day, I’m just tired of everyone judging everyone.

I will get off if my soap box now.
I don't think the elk or deer know the difference in camo pattern. Depends on your preference of clothing not the camo pattern itself. Ungulates only see shades of certain colors. Find clothing that is comfortable for you and fits your price range. I have used first lite and didn't really like it except the wool base layers and my buddy tried my sitka stuff on and he didn't like it.
Is there really a need to try and degrade someone because they sat out in the opening and didn’t notice you or an elk. Maybe he is a kid or new hunter just trying to learn or teach himself how to hunt elk and is looking for any and all advantages he can get in gear, plus who really cares what he spends his money on. We could all be questioned by someone on our choices of money spent, if it’s important for him to spend money on gear that’s better than drugs. Who cares at the end of the day, I’m just tired of everyone judging everyone.

I will get off if my soap box now.
I say the same thing goes for 20handicaps that wear white belts. Be good, don’t have to look good😎
I say the same thing goes for 20handicaps that wear white belts. Be good, don’t have to look good😎
You're not supposed to wear a white belt if your waist is over 34". Everyone knows that

To the OP - elk camo is way more serious and indicates that you're all in compared to deer camo which simply says I don't drink Bud Light around others.

If I could hunt private land legally I'd mix in my Crocs here and there and go with whatever is comfortable for the temps. Focus on TP or wipes, snacks and food. You're going to see so much more cool stuff than us public land guys and you're going to be feeling pretty bad a$$ when you come home with a cooler full of meat.

I would recommend a shirt with a wolf on it from one of Montana's gas stations or gift shops. Wally world has a nice selection on occasion too. Nothing says #apexpredator like rolling into camp with your wolf shirt.
Not sure what value there is in having gear when you are an idiot.
As a certified elk hunting idiot, or perhaps just an idiot, depending on the day and who else is on hunt talk, I would say I like having one less thing to worry about when I have good gear.

It's true, private land hunting in MT is pretty much a cake walk. You should have a lot of us public land plebeians herding the elk right to you. But that said, camo never hurt anyone. If there's snow on the ground white pants are a great idea, because they will hide your leg movements at distance, which are one of the only things I've ever felt makes much of a difference if you're in big open country. But overall staying off the skyline and paying attention to the wind will make far more of a difference.

Montana law requires 400 square inches of visible orange during rifle season, which pretty much renders camo up top useless. The fine for not wearing orange in MT is a minimum of $10 and a maximum of $20. Do with that information what you will.
As a certified elk hunting idiot, or perhaps just an idiot, depending on the day and who else is on hunt talk, I would say I like having one less thing to worry about when I have good gear.

It's true, private land hunting in MT is pretty much a cake walk. You should have a lot of us public land plebeians herding the elk right to you. But that said, camo never hurt anyone. If there's snow on the ground white pants are a great idea, because they will hide your leg movements at distance, which are one of the only things I've ever felt makes much of a difference if you're in big open country. But overall staying off the skyline and paying attention to the wind will make far more of a difference.

Montana law requires 400 square inches of visible orange during rifle season, which pretty much renders camo up top useless. The fine for not wearing orange in MT is a minimum of $10 and a maximum of $20. Do with that information what you will.
I’m not against good gear. When your actions demonstrate you are an idiot, not only does your gear not matter, it becomes a bit of a scarlet letter.

Sorta like a fly fisherman in waders in late July. Don’t get me started
As a certified elk hunting idiot, or perhaps just an idiot, depending on the day and who else is on hunt talk, I would say I like having one less thing to worry about when I have good gear.

It's true, private land hunting in MT is pretty much a cake walk. You should have a lot of us public land plebeians herding the elk right to you. But that said, camo never hurt anyone. If there's snow on the ground white pants are a great idea, because they will hide your leg movements at distance, which are one of the only things I've ever felt makes much of a difference if you're in big open country. But overall staying off the skyline and paying attention to the wind will make far more of a difference.

Montana law requires 400 square inches of visible orange during rifle season, which pretty much renders camo up top useless. The fine for not wearing orange in MT is a minimum of $10 and a maximum of $20. Do with that information what you will.
I like the camo/orange vest for rifle least it breaks up the solid orange color, which might help make me less visible to a mostly color blind animal. Am I wearing 400 inches of actual orange with that vest on? No idea. I doubt any warden would write me up if I'm a few inches short of 400. Most important thing is the human eye can see that orange, even when it's a small amount and broken up with camo.

Oh and I usually tie a little orange to the back of my backpack too.
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