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Elk Drop Camps Montana


New member
Feb 4, 2020
I'm a relatively new elk hunter an so far I have been 100% DIY. My hunting partner this season really wants to try a drop camp. I admit in theory it sounds good, but I am somewhat skeptical about it. I think the pros are obvious but here are my concerns. If you are an outfitter please do take offense at this. So unless and outfitter specializes in drop camps, I thinking that most outfitters are taking their best paying customer to the best camps as they should. So you're probably not getting the best spot. But I realize a outfitter is not going put a camp in a location he doesn't think is good so moving past that. If you are the 2nd or 3rd group of hunters in that camp have the other hunters blown the elk out the area? They usually come with packer service but again unless the outfitter has a large staff I think that will be secondary to the full service clients needs (warm weather concerns). I may be overthinking this and I feel like a good outfitter would have a solution for these concerns. Having no experience in that I looking for other opinions or anyone has had some experience good or bad. I should mention I am talking about a Montana September archery elk hunt.
I am sure not all drop camps are equal. I can only offer my experience. I was part of a Colorado drop camp a few years back. Not impressed to say the least. it was a nice set up by the outfitter. But you are limited to hunt area because other camps in close proximity. Public grounds, so yeah there will be others there and that's fine, but why pay for it, when you can get yourself their. just my 2 cents
Thank you, that's more or less my thinking. I have walked in on drop camps in CO only 2 miles or so in and felt sorry anyone paying for that.
Trying to get a drop camp for the 2025 season planned out. Did you guys go? Any advice would be appreciated.
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