Elk Caliber


New member
Jan 26, 2012
Kirksville Missouri
Just wondering what caliber people prefer to use for elk. I am looking into a new rifle and was looking into a 7mm mag. Mostly hunt deer back in the state of Missouri but would like to buy something big enough to hopefully go bear and moose hunting some day.
30-06,270 Win.,308 Win.,280 Rem.
All the above pleasant to shoot off of a bench or from field positions
My buddy and I use .338 win mag with a 225 gr Nosler Accubond bullet. The past two years we have gotten two elk. One was shot at 30 yards and dropped dead, the second was around 350 yards and shot dead in its tracks. We choose the 338 win mag because when we hit something we don't want to end up chasing it. As well, the 338 win mag is a very common round, so if you are in a remote location there will be a higher likely hood of the ammunition being available.
For me...anything from .284 to .308 that has magnum in the moniker but I also agree with topgun.
.300 WSM shooting 180 gr. Winchester XP-3's has worked great for me.

The two daughters shoot a .280 Remington shooting 150 gr. Federal Partitions and have had excellent luck.
My gun will always be the 270. fast flat and accurate. plenty of power and will never hurt your shoulder. magnums are for those who either cant hit the vitals or have little man syndrome.
magnums are for those who either cant hit the vitals or have little man syndrome

...can't wait for the brilliance a 5th post might display.:rolleyes:

Welcome to HT.Nancy.:cool:
Strike jswilliams from this discussion...he knows 'ti ti' = very little. If anything???

That 7mm mag will do ya fine! Anywhere!
The caliber I prefer, is anything that starts with .3!
I have dialed all 3 rifles (30.06/.300/.338) in with 180 grain NP. Great bullet.
May start playing around with different, heavier loads for my .338
...can't wait for the brilliance a 5th post might display.

Welcome to HT.Nancy.

Ya think, LOL! I love it when stuff like that gets posted and somebody hands them their lunch!!!
The elk I shot was with a 30-06 with a 180 grain Hornady SST in a handload. With the new superformance powders from Hornady for handloader I'm pushing 300 win mag ballistics out of the 30-06 and not tearing up my already screwed up shoulder.
never knew one little comment could get people so pissed off. it goes to show you how simply minded magnum lovers are.

Man you should really take it easy. You're new here. :hump:

I'm wondering just how many elk have suffered the wrath of your .270? A lot of guys on here have experience beyond any you could imagine. It might behoove you to play nice and try to make a few friends, you might learn a thing or two.

So far from my count the simply minded magnums have this thread anyhow...

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