Haven't posted any of the wildlife projects lately, there have been quite a few this year... deer CWD testing/tonsil biopsy, desert sheep capture and relocation, adult elk and antelope capture and gps collar, even darted an injured pregnant Mexican Gray wolf from the helicopter (please keep wolf comments to yourself, I realize its controversial but when they are your patient and you are charged with their care its a whole different ballgame as a veterinarian). Anyway, last week was a fun one, we captured and gps collared elk calves from horseback studying survival/predation. If something kills the calf.....wolf, bear , coyote, eagle etc we can do a forensic and DNA study to determine cause of death and use that data to help manage predator and prey. We (a cooperative project with several game departments and universities) collared around 350 cow elk from helicopter or corral traps the last couple years so we have a general idea of where they are calving. We ride our horses in the area looking down into the brush and locate the calves, they don't run the first 3-4 days of age, get off the horse, blindfold the calf , gather measurement and health data, collar and release without much stress. Mama typically isn't far away and returns in short order. Next few weeks we will start the bighorn sheep projects like the ones I have posted in the past, can't quite get all the way into the high-country yet.
The search is on....big country

The search is on....big country