Elk & Bison Mtg Agenda DOL

Montana draws flak for bison intolerance by Todd Wilkinson

In the wake of Tuesday’s action Montana State Sen. Mike Phillips, a wildlife biologist from Bozeman, announced he will seek an unprecedented independent legislative audit of the state game and livestock department’s brucellosis management program...“What I am requesting is full disclosure of public documents, agency transparency, and a thorough accounting of how significant amounts of public money are being spent, whether those expenses are justified, and how those expenditures correlate to desired results and outcomes,” Phillips says. “My constituents want answers and so do I.”

Sen. Mike Phillips is my senator here in Bozeman, who I have spoken to on these matters, which included public information requests not being filled, the infection and genetic data I have been researching, the money trail, the lawsuit, etc. This is Bovine Blossoms what has been going on from our public agencies with our public dollars and our public wildlife.

The Montana Legislative Audit Committee meets this Friday
shoots.... I have always advocated for the resident sportsman having more say...one of the reasons that I did not rally and fight for doing away w/ the breaks archery elk tag, I was opposed to the "wilderness tag", .... the only thing I would change about breaks elk tags is that we should go back to the old way of doing it, must be present to win at the Glasgow Civic Center...if only i were King.

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